XSF Communications Team - 2022-11-07

  1. pep.

    hey, https://post.lurk.org/@pep/109303158208939914 can somebody retoot this please? :)

  2. pep.

    I mean as the xsf, at lesat

  3. pep.

    I mean as the xsf, at least

  4. emus

    I can do it later

  5. emus

    I will make this an entire new post

  6. pep.

    ah, ok, why?

  7. pep.

    Not that I really mind, just curious

  8. emus

    has an image and is under the Events track structure

  9. TheCoffeMaker

    > hey, https://post.lurk.org/@pep/109303158208939914 can somebody retoot this please? :) pep.: 🔄

  10. pep.

    Thanks :)

  11. TheCoffeMaker


  12. Licaon_Kter

    is the GSOC section still in? There's nothing now since last month, right? Also PawBud is no longer working on it afaik

  13. Licaon_Kter

    is the GSOC section still in? There's nothing new since last month, right? Also PawBud is no longer working on it afaik

  14. emus

    it is, there will be one more thing from patiga

  15. Licaon_Kter

    profanity.im is down?

  16. Licaon_Kter

    dino 0.3.1 is an exception for the soup fixup?

  17. Licaon_Kter

    added some text https://github.com/xsf/xmpp.org/pull/1199

  18. emus

    Mnay thanks!

  19. Licaon_Kter

    emus: ah typo "the Prosody *devs*"

  20. emus


  21. emus


  22. emus

    many thanks

  23. emus

    Please review by tomorrow night. I changed the contributor sections, please check if your name is missing this time

  24. emus

    Need to do the tweet tomoroow, fosstodon has issues