Hello folks, I am looking for a support to get us the logo perfect (see the XMPP letter outline) https://xmpp.org/community/gsoc-2022/ I think a nice white line to contrast for dark mode would be best.
Please see in dark mode, light page is still fine
Hello everyone, Google has announced the Google Summer of Code 2023 already and I am again take the role of the Org Admin for XSF and attempt to apply for the XSF in January 2023 (so nothing official yet). Right, the early bird... - If you read this and are interested in any way. Please reach out! Early engagement and communication with us is essential to a fruitful collaboration. Most required information is in the wiki page: https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/Google_Summer_of_Code_2023#Overview - First call for interested projects to add their potential ideas - I left the old entries so you can take the structure. - To the old projects, participated or not: Edit or remove yourself, or let me know if you want to keep & update your ideas or be removed. Google's program page: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2023 Our website is being drafted already - supporters and translators welcome: https://github.com/xsf/xmpp.org/pull/1225 Cheers Eddie _______________________ XSF Org Admin GSoC 2023