XSF Communications Team - 2023-01-05

  1. emus

    Hello everyone, a happy new year to all of you! ✨🍀 I think we got a lot of new followers on our channels recently. My current thoughts are around: - Do we want to make any changes? What is feasible with the current resources? - Any folks interested on supporting more on a regular basis? - What about the localizations? German, Spanish still a thing? Anyone wants to support on the FR and IT to keep it running without relying to much on single persons? - FOSDEM: Any material you want to bring in? Anyone interested to turn last years newsletter highlight or.smething like that into a printable newsletter? Anything you want to show / advertise on the beamer? Next release the newsletter is planned for 5th of Feb. Also here were are happy for more supporters! Have a good start everyone! Eddie

  2. Licaon_Kter


  3. emus

    And of course I try to revive the XMPP Office Hours. So if you want to present any topic to a wider audicence, let me know already