XSF Communications Team - 2023-01-09

  1. MattJ

    XMPP/XSF needs a press pack. This is definitely commteam's duty :)

  2. pep.

    Press talking about the XSF somewhere?

  3. MattJ

    No, because we don't have a press kit ;)

  4. pep.


  5. MattJ

    The one thing that is preventing XMPP from taking over the world

  6. pep.


  7. pep.

    XMPP, not the XSF? :P

  8. Licaon_Kter

    Chicken and egg all over again...

  9. emus

    But what in the press pack is missing?

  10. emus

    Or how should it look like?

  11. MattJ

    A press pack usually contains things like logos, a brief overview of the organization and some quick facts. All designed to be easily copy/past.... I mean, incorporated, into articles and such.

  12. emus

    MattJ: Can you create an issue for it?