XSF Communications Team - 2023-01-17

  1. neox


  2. neox

    That's Gajim's fault I swear

  3. nicola

    Hi! If it is of interest to anyone: https://notes.nicfab.it/en/posts/nis2/ TL;DR

  4. pep.

    nicola: thanks for article! Do you have a tldr for NIS2?

  5. emus

    nicola: will add to the newsletter

  6. nicola

    > nicola: thanks for article! Do you have a tldr for NIS2? Thank you. What do you mean?

  7. nicola

    > nicola: will add to the newsletter Ok, Thanks

  8. pep.

    nicola: what does nis2 actually do. All I can find is "improving security blah"

  9. nicola

    > nicola: what does nis2 actually do. All I can find is "improving security blah" It’s too long to explain here. Directive NIS 2 regards “measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union.” At the beginning of my contribution, you will find the direct link to the official text of Directive NIS 2