XSF Communications Team - 2023-02-03

  1. emus_at_summit

    Good day, https://fosstodon.org/@xmpp/109800203838289905 another kind reminder to review the newsletter draft. That would be great so we can publish on time. Support with the images would be great as well!

  2. emus

    We have a new online pad, please only use the new one from now :-) https://pad.nixnet.services/oHnY_ZvLT8SoFyCqlC2ung

  3. nicola

    > We have a new online pad, please only use the new one from now 😊 > https://pad.nixnet.services/oHnY_ZvLT8SoFyCqlC2ung Great solution! I have installed HedgeDoc on my server for personal use only.

  4. emus


  5. Licaon_Kter


  6. emus


  7. nicola

    FYI TL;DR Hoping it will be helpful: https://notes.nicfab.it/en/posts/dsa-faq/ I mentioned also XMPP

  8. emus

    nicola: lets put it in the next newsletter

  9. nicola

    > nicola: lets put it in the next newsletter Ok. Thank you

  10. emus

    nicola: I just mentioned your proficiency to the summit folks, when it comes to certain topics

  11. Licaon_Kter

    nicola: thanks for working on these

  12. nicola

    > nicola: I just mentioned your proficiency to the summit folks, when it comes to certain topics Thank you very much

  13. nicola

    > nicola: thanks for working on these Thank you. It’s a pleasure to share some content.