XSF Communications Team - 2023-02-08

  1. emus

    It's free now: https://pad.nixnet.services/oHnY_ZvLT8SoFyCqIC2ung#

  2. emus

    Keep up the good work! Still looking for more support on the finalizations

  3. emus

    Finally https://xmpp.org/2023/02/the-xmpp-newsletter-december-2022-january-2023/

    🖖️ 1
  4. wurstsalat


  5. Licaon_Kter

    emus: ٩(◕‿◕。)۶

  6. neox

    emus: great, thank you ! French translation wip ;)

  7. emus

    neox: great guys!

  8. neox

    emus: I can help with finalizations, I think, but only without github account. Let me know how

  9. emus

    neox: thanks, yes you can e.g. checking which entries from the rss feed are missing posts in this chat select images prepare identical tweets & toots