XSF Communications Team - 2023-04-17

  1. sebastian

    is it just me , or was the newsletter sent today(?) broken?

  2. MattJ

    Broken in what way?

  3. wurstsalat

    yes, I received it, too. it was an attempt to send a nicely formatted newsletter, which failed :)

  4. sebastian

    Thunderbird is showing the HTML als plain text

  5. sebastian

    okay then :-) hit shappens 🤷‍♂️️

  6. sebastian

    the version i received 3minutes ago looks good 🙃 thank you 🤗

  7. emus

    yeah, but its still not the HTML version, which is bad on mobile

  8. sebastian

    aha? it has some formatting at least 🤔

  9. trollge

    sebastian: nice squirrel

  10. emus

    If anyone wants to communicate: https://fosstodon.org/@xmpp/110214602731131770 https://twitter.com/xmpp/status/1647968875877736451?cxt=HHwWhoC9-cK94d4tAAAA

  11. SouL

    Thank you, will post on LinkedIn sometime today

  12. emus

    SouL: sorry, should have pinged you too We can add that post to the blogpost too

  13. emus

    at the end

  14. sebastian

    trollge: thanks, random internet pic though 😉

  15. nicola

    Hi! If you are interested: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_23_2186

  16. emus

    nicola: please link in the already created section in the newsletter

  17. nicola

    > nicola: please link in the already created section in the newsletter Of course, but where is the newsletter?

  18. Licaon_Kter

    nicola: see pad link in channel description

  19. nicola

    > nicola: see pad link in channel description Ok, Thank you. Sorry : 😞

  20. nicola

    > nicola: see pad link in channel description Ok, Thank you. Sorry 😞 Done!

  21. emus

    another one to share https://mov.im/?node/pubsub.movim.eu/XMPP/https---xmpp.org-2023-04-elbe-sprint-hamburg-2023-

  22. emus

    nicola: No need to be sorry