XSF Communications Team - 2023-04-30

  1. Trung

    does XMPP have a peertube instance?

  2. MattJ


  3. singpolyma

    Could post videos to the existing fosstodon I expect to get them into AP land

  4. neox

    > does XMPP have a peertube instance? Seems to me a good idea to create an official one somewhere

  5. singpolyma

    Would that not fragment the AP identity to have two handles?

  6. emus

    Yes, I am also bascially behind it. Where can & should we have an instance? anyone interest to maintain it a bit?

  7. MattJ

    I have pondered an instance dedicated to XMPP before, but there are many reasons it's not a good idea

  8. MattJ

    Fragmentation, worse discoverability, high maintenance, etc.

  9. Licaon_Kter

    What's to gain neox ?

  10. emus

    > MattJ: > 2023-04-30 09:14 (GMT+02:00) > Fragmentation, worse discoverability, high maintenance, etc. yup, that were my concers so far too

  11. Trung

    yeah it's not good idea I just wanted to ask to see if people try before

  12. Trung

    yeah it's not good idea I just wanted to ask to see if people have tried before

  13. emus

    I wouldn't say its a bad idea. I think is fine to have a content-paired platform thats open-source and more attachedd to what most people in xmpp are working towards (I believe so)

  14. emus

    however, it requires resources incl. commnication

  15. neox

    If you do that as a mirror, I don't see why it would be a bad idea. Also, using a centralized way of communication like youtube is strange for a decentralized protocol while Fediverse exists. Alternatives are always a good idea, especially when surveillance is more and more present in many countries

  16. Trung

    if every XMPP project has a video production team and budget, fediverse p2p network is a brilliant idea coz every project would promote every other project. But that's not the reality we have.