XSF Communications Team - 2023-05-14

  1. neox

    Hi there, just to inform that I'm doing a conference about XMPP in France soon (June, the 23rd)

  2. neox

    It will stand in Bourbon l'Archambault (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes)

  3. neox

    More precisely, within the framework of Libre en Communs, a french non-profit that I co-founded, I am invited there by Odile Bénassy (member of the board of the FSF) to speak about XMPP and in particular to present the strong points of the federation compared to silos

  4. neox

    Do we have any templates for this sort of events ? Or any ressource I could use ?

  5. neox

    I'm currently searching on the wiki and website, but any pointers would help 😁️

  6. emus

    Hey neox, great to hear. I have no direct input here. I would write to board and further ask if Matt has any input in that regard.