XSF Communications Team - 2024-05-24

  1. Schimon

    emus: First public announcement post https://slixfeed.woodpeckersnest.space/posts/slixfeed-news-bot/

  2. emus

    thanks, can you add it to the online pad?

  3. Kris

    Schimon: any chance for a webhook endpoint in that bot?

  4. Schimon

    Sure. I would need help, mostly with examples that would help me to understand webhooks.

  5. Schimon

    Kris, I also intend to add an HTML generator from syndication feeds, similarly to "Planet Planet", "Planet 2.0", "moonmoon" etc.

  6. Kris

    I was thinking about repository updates from github etc.

  7. Kris

    Via webhooks

  8. Schimon

    Kris, I would recommend to do it with a new bot, based on Slixfeed. What do you think?

  9. Kris

    Maybe, yeah. There is actually a component for it, but its a bit buggy

  10. Schimon

    I have already removed a feature from it (saving HTML to ePub, PDF, TXT etc.), because I sense that I add too much features for someone else to take over it.

  11. Kris

    A moderation bit with a similar form based configuration like slixfeed would be also great

  12. Kris

    A moderation bot with a similar form based configuration like slixfeed would be also great

  13. Schimon

    Kris, I will add webhook endpoint to my tasks list. Would you want to give me guidance from time to time?

  14. Kris

    Heh, you overestimate my programming skills 😅

  15. Schimon

    No. Absolutely not.

  16. Schimon

    I was thinking that you might not be available to that task.

  17. Schimon

    Alternatively, I would be happy to work with you together on a webhook bot!

  18. Schimon

    > thanks, can you add it to the online pad? emus: I will. I will be available tomorrow evening or on Sunday.

  19. emus

    all good

  20. Schimon

    Kris, please inform me if you know of a python library you want for webhook endpoint. You can find the link to the groupchat on the Slixfeed site and we can discuss there.

  21. Schimon

    Kris: https://github.com/nioc/xmpp-bot

  22. singpolyma

    Kris: you mean like webhooks.cheogram.com ?

  23. singpolyma

    I should probably put up a webpage there... Maybe do a blog post about how to replicate it