XSF Communications Team - 2024-06-28

  1. Kris


  2. gnemmi

    Wow ..

  3. gnemmi

    Really impressive

  4. gnemmi

    Just added it to the pad. Feel free to edit at will of course ..

  5. Kris

    Well, I don't really care about the webadmin stuff, so the release feels a bit underwhelming, but anyway...

  6. Kris


  7. gnemmi

    Yup. That's the link I used for the entry on the Newsletter pad

  8. Kris

    Ah, great

  9. TheCoffeMaker

    igniterealtime also released a bot framework called botz https://discourse.igniterealtime.org/t/botz-version-1-3-0-release/94167

  10. gnemmi


  11. gnemmi

    just finished adding it to the Newsletter =')

  12. gnemmi

    Under "Libraries & Tools"

  13. gnemmi

    TheCoffeMaker, 👍

  14. gnemmi

    I linked the news entry to https://github.com/igniterealtime/Botz/releases/tag/v1.3.0 though

  15. TheCoffeMaker

    > I linked the news entry to https://github.com/igniterealtime/Botz/releases/tag/v1.3.0 though better that than a discourse entry I guess

  16. praveen

    diasp.in got fiscal hosting from XMPP Foundation https://opencollective.com/diasp-in