XSF Communications Team - 2024-07-06

  1. emus

    Hi folks, any final comments on the XMPP Newsletter release?

  2. emus


  3. Kris

    What do these "XEP editor dg" mean?

  4. Kris

    It is mentioned twice

  5. Kris

    Otherwise lgtm

    ❤ 1
  6. cal0pteryx

    it's the initials of the editor

    👍 1
  7. emus

    The #XMPP Newsletter for June 2024 is out! Read about the latest XMPP universe updates and the latest updates on our standards! https://xmpp.org/2024/07/the-xmpp-newsletter-june-2024/ Enjoy reading! 📰 ☕

  8. nicola

    Good afternoon, good morning, and good evening to all, wherever you are. Here is the Italian translation of the June 2024 XMPP newsletter: https://notes.nicfab.eu/it/posts/newsletter_xmpp/newsletter-xmpp-giu-2024/ Unfortunately, health reasons have slowed me down in the last 20 days (a damned hernia ... disclosure of sensitive personal data 😊 ). So, the Italian version of the May newsletter has only just come out. Sorry for the delay. Here is the Italian translation of the May 2024 XMPP newsletter: https://notes.nicfab.eu/it/posts/newsletter_xmpp/newsletter-xmpp-mag-2024/ I wish a lovely weekend to everyone.

  9. nicola

    PR asap

  10. gnemmi

    ES translation for June ( and sorry for labeling as July in the comment to the PR ) https://github.com/xsf/xmpp.org/pull/1411

  11. gnemmi

    Sorry for the delay ... I got caught in a mess of work

  12. cal0pteryx

    Thanks a lot for both translations :) Get well soon, nicola!

  13. gnemmi

    You are very welcome! And, again, sorry for the delay 😔

  14. gnemmi

    Also, get well soon Nicola! 💪🏻

  15. gnemmi

    I don't know if this is the right place to bring this up, but I just realized that the Mastodon icon is missing from the list of social networks on the XMPP Newsletter page

  16. gnemmi
