XSF Communications Team - 2024-08-06

  1. nicola

    Hi! Here is the Italian translation of the latest newsletter: https://notes.nicfab.eu/it/posts/news_xmpp/24/news-xmpp-2024-07/

  2. gnemmi

    Hello everyone!

  3. gnemmi

    I can see the Newsletter has been moved to 'master' but there's no announcement, so I was wondering, would it still be possible to send a small patch? I just found a small error on the 2024-08-05-newsletter.es.md

  4. gnemmi

    Nothing *reall* important .. is just a translation error that bugs me

  5. gnemmi


  6. gnemmi

    it's ok otherwise

  7. cal0pteryx

    gnemmi: edits are always welcome

  8. gnemmi

    Thank you!. I think I just did it but I can't see it on the pull request page on github web page

  9. gnemmi


  10. gnemmi

    nemmig wants to merge 1 commit into master from nemmig-08-05-newsletter.es.md-last-fix

  11. gnemmi


  12. gnemmi

    there you go =D

  13. gnemmi

    cal0pteryx, thank you for the merge! =D

  14. emus

    cal0pteryx have you seen the point from edhelas on the atom feed?=

  15. emus

    Thanks all for the translation efforts

  16. cal0pteryx

    emus, yes

  17. emus

    anything we can do about it?

  18. emus

    maybe we also need to involve ralphm here

  19. gnemmi

    > Thanks all for the translation efforts My pleasure !! =D

  20. gnemmi

    XMPP Newsletter announcement on Mastodon: https://mastodon.sdf.org/@gnemmi/112916948131776471

  21. gnemmi

    And on lemmy: https://lemmy.sdf.org/post/20569430

  22. gnemmi


  23. cal0pteryx

    emus, somebody would need to create a proper Atom feed template for Hugo. There are some examples on the web. I'm not sure if it's worth the effort

  24. emus

    I would like to post the newsletter on Movim. So not? but okay, I will investigate if I can do that

  25. emus

    gnemmi, nicola: Thanks for the efforts again. I would just review if you want to trsanlate the states in the xep section. I believe they should day english, then you can put the translation in english potentially

  26. emus

    gnemmi, nicola: Thanks for the efforts again. I would just review if you want to trsanlate the states in the xep section. I believe they should day english, then you can put the translation in english potentially in brackets

  27. gnemmi

    Sure!. I posted it on Lemmy because it is listed on the Newsletter itself under the "Spread the news" section

  28. Kris

    we actually have a RSS feed bot that automatically posts it to lemmy

  29. Kris

    it's just that currently the bot only checks the feed very 72 hours or so.

  30. Kris

    it's just that currently the bot only checks the feed every 72 hours or so.

  31. Kris

    ah, but you posted the spanish version. then I don't need to remove the english one that will be posted later by the bot as a duplicate

  32. gnemmi

    Kris, are you talking about the Lemmy one?

  33. Kris


  34. gnemmi

    Yup .. I posted the Spanish version for those that can't read English. I don't think duplication would be a problem there .. I actually see it as being beneficial .. so more people can see that the XMPP Newsletter can be easily translated to their own language 🙂

  35. gnemmi

    Furthermore .. I would be inclined to think that I would be pretty awesome if the the IT version was posted in there as well too ..

  36. gnemmi

    Furthermore .. I would be inclined to think that it would be pretty awesome if the the IT version was posted in there as well too ..