XSF Communications Team - 2024-08-20

  1. gnemmi

    emus, you are super welcome! I'm just so sorry I couldn't add more to the pad this month ... news seems to have slowed down dramatically 😔

  2. gnemmi

    Maybe with a little luck some more news will pop up before the end of the month ..

  3. gnemmi

    > > Yes, I still have an account. From what I see I imagine the following workflow: On the second day of a month, the English newsletter is ready (as a Markdown file), on the third through fourth day we translate that Markdown file (possibly without touching the formatting) and create a PR. Is that correct? > basically yes, you can also wait for the original PR to be merged. yes, ideally keep the format. when translating xeps, some terms I would keep english. the headers for example, just put the translation behind > > New (Neu) You can count with my support. So far I've been following the standar translation best practices for every spanish translator, the Style Guide established by the the Document Foundation ( https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ES/Gu%C3%ADa_de_estilo ) and the Translators Recommendations by the GNU project ( https://www.gnu.org/server/standards/translations/es/recomendaciones.html )

  4. gnemmi

    > Kris, gnemmi, cal0pteryx: we can start the discussion again if you support I actually meant to answer this message .. =/

  5. gnemmi


  6. emus

    gnemmi: dont worry its summer

  7. emus

    at least in many countries