XSF Communications Team - 2024-08-28

  1. emus

    gnemmi: okay cool many thanks!

  2. emus

    gnemmi: two things you can do already would be to check the planet jabber feed for any news that are missing and if people posted something in this chat

  3. emus

    that is not yet in the pad

  4. gnemmi

    Thank you! I'm super excited! Hope I can live up to the expectation 😬

  5. emus

    gnemmi: You do already 🙂

  6. gnemmi

    Out of the top of my head: Schimon presentations and what dora71 mentioned about the FrosCon are missing from the pad.

  7. gnemmi

    > gnemmi: You do already 🙂 Thank you so much!!

  8. Schimon

    gnemmi. We are making a few corrections to Blasta, and afterwards, I will remake the presentation, which would be 5 or 10 minutes at most.

  9. gnemmi

    Will go over the whole posts for August first thing in the morning (it's 03:46 over here and I'm just about to go get some sleep) and check planet Jabber

  10. gnemmi

    > gnemmi. We are making a few corrections to Blasta, and afterwards, I will remake the presentation, which would be 5 or 10 minutes at most. Awesome! Do you think you'll make it on time so we can add it to this month's Newsletter?

  11. gnemmi

    BTW, I've already set my watch's world time to Berlin so I can get a little more in sync with your times 😉

  12. Schimon

    > > gnemmi. We are making a few corrections to Blasta, and afterwards, I will remake the presentation, which would be 5 or 10 minutes at most. > > Awesome! Do you think you'll make it on time so we can add it to this month's Newsletter? gnemmi. Yes. I can do it even today. When the Newsletter is intended to be published?

  13. gnemmi

    It should be out by September the 5th but the pad always closes a few days before the end of the month

  14. Schimon

    I will do make it this evening or on Thursday.

  15. gnemmi

    That's sound about perfect!

  16. gnemmi

    If you don't want to add it to the pad, just leave the links in here and I'll do it for you 😊

  17. Schimon

    gnemmi. Sure!

  18. Schimon

    This is my JID sch@pimux.de in case you would need it.

  19. gnemmi

    Perfect! Will add you right now!

  20. Schimon

    gnemmi. Do you have any suggestions of what you want to see in the presentation, or what should be the format?

  21. gnemmi

    No, not really .. that would be up to you to decide what to share and how .. I think 🤔

  22. Schimon


  23. gnemmi

    In all honesty, I thought the initial idea about the videos was a pretty good one though

  24. gnemmi

    I mean .. the presentantion was already done .. so it was just a matter of sharing a link to it on the Newsletter for everyone to catch up on it

  25. gnemmi

    Just added to the pad:

  26. gnemmi

    - The XSF [signs Open Letter to the European Commission](https://xmpp.org/2024/08/the-xsf-signs-open-letter-to-the-european-commission/). As currently many other organisations doing, the [XMPP Standards Foundation](https://xmpp.org/about/xmpp-standards-foundation/) (XSF) has decided to also sign the [Open Letter to the European Commission](https://www.ow2.org/view/Events/The_European_Union_must_keep_funding_free_software_open_letter).

  27. gnemmi

    And I think that's about as much as I could get from https://planet.jabber.org/

  28. gnemmi

    Five o'clock in the morning for me ..

  29. gnemmi

    And I think I got planet jabber already covered ..

  30. gnemmi

    Time to catch some bed time 😪

  31. gnemmi

    See you guys in a few hours! 🤗

  32. cal0pteryx

    Thanks gnemmi

  33. gnemmi

    Hello everyone!

  34. gnemmi

    You guys, I'm running really low on time today, but I managed to add all the updated XEP's (a long with their respective changelogs) I could find on the mailing list for August to the pad

  35. gnemmi

    - Version 1.2.0 of XEP-0402 (PEP Native Bookmarks) - Version 1.0.2 of XEP-0388 (Extensible SASL Profile) - Version 1.35.0 of XEP-0045 (Multi-User Chat) - Version 0.2.0 of XEP-0478 - Version 1.0.1 of XEP-0386 (Bind 2) - Version 1.3.0 of XEP-0054 (vcard-temp)

  36. gnemmi


  37. gnemmi

    will fix 0478

  38. gnemmi

    - Version 0.2.0 of XEP-0478 (Stream Limits Advertisement) - Add the XML Schema. - Clarify that both children can be optional. - Fix indentation and one typo. (egp)

  39. gnemmi

    there you go

  40. gnemmi

    > Thanks gnemmi You are welcome!

  41. gnemmi

    Also we should probably delete this entry from the pad:

  42. gnemmi

    - [XMPP Sprint in Berlin](https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/Sprints/2024-07_Berlin): From Friday 12th to Sunday 14th of July 2024.

  43. gnemmi

    ok .. I just went ahead an deleted it .. if we need it, I can copy paste it from here 👍

  44. cal0pteryx

    gnemmi: that's great to see an updated xep section! :)

  45. gnemmi

    So .. Planet Jabber feed: checked. Updated XEP's: checked.

  46. cal0pteryx

    emus, is there a summary of the Berlin sprint?

  47. gnemmi

    cal0pteryx, super glad you liked it! 🤗

  48. gnemmi

    I think I asked the same thing last month ( so we could add it to the last month Newsletter ) but there wasn't one

  49. gnemmi

    Except for what was there on the wiki

  50. gnemmi


  51. gnemmi


  52. gnemmi

    ok, I have to go now. Running _really_ low on time today.

  53. gnemmi

    Catch you guys later!

  54. gnemmi


  55. emus

    > Will go over the whole posts for August first thing in the morning (it's 03:46 over here and I'm just about to go get some sleep) and check planet Jabber gnemmi, please dont spent time that forces you to work overtime and brings you to your personal limits. Respect yourself

  56. emus

    > It should be out by September the 5th but the pad always closes a few days before the end of the month It closes on the 2nd for inputs from the last month more or less

  57. emus

    > This is my JID sch@pimux.de in case you would need it. Please take care posting personal stuff in public 😅😉

  58. emus

    > Five o'clock in the morning for me .. man you still have time, dont rush things 🙏

  59. emus

    > emus, is there a summary of the Berlin sprint? We had something, but not a general one. is ok

  60. emus

    > So .. Planet Jabber feed: checked. Updated XEP's: checked. Really great effort, beyond what we asked for!

  61. emus

    > https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/Sprints/2024-07_Berlin#Attendees We linked thid

  62. emus

    > https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/Sprints/2024-07_Berlin#Attendees We linked this

  63. emus

    Very great effort thanks