XSF Communications Team - 2024-09-06

  1. Millesimus

    > Oh is that wrong? "Yunohost" is the OS, I think the plugin is called "prosodoy-ynh" or something like that.

  2. emus

    gnemmi: thanks, can you push a correction pr?

  3. gnemmi

    emus, https://github.com/nemmig/xmpp.org/commit/721d185e7b5c8d733b98b8d9dfb26d4d0eef0412

  4. gnemmi


  5. gnemmi

    emus: done 🤗

  6. nicola

    Hi all, Here is the Italian translation of the XMPP Newsletter August 2024 (with the latest corrections by gnemmi): https://notes.nicfab.eu/it/posts/news_xmpp/24/news-xmpp-2024-08/

  7. gnemmi

    nicola: Awesome! 🤗🎉

  8. nicola

    > nicola: Awesome! 🤗🎉 😊

  9. gnemmi

    nicola: Thank you !!

  10. nicola

    > nicola: Thank you !! You are welcome

  11. anubis

    > anubis maybe? Hello, yes I added the point on Yunohost / prosody app; what was the question actually? 🙂

  12. emus

    Thanks all, I did some review, couldnt merge all of it yet