XSF Communications Team - 2024-09-07

  1. gnemmi

    And: finally!

  2. gnemmi


  3. gnemmi


  4. gnemmi


  5. gnemmi

    I just posted the link to the ES version of the Newsletter to: Mastodon, Lemmy and Reddit! 🥳

  6. Arne


  7. gnemmi

    Yes !!

  8. gnemmi

    Q1 for me and super proud of it!! 🥳

  9. cal0pteryx

    gnemmi: what do you mean by q1?

  10. gnemmi

    First quarter .. this is my first quarter working on the spanish translation of the XMPP Newsletter .. and I'm really proud of the fact that I could keep it up and on time for 4 months in row 😃

  11. cal0pteryx

    Nice, congrats :) thanks for your efforts

  12. gnemmi

    Thank you very much cal0pteryx !! And a extra special thank you and emus for your patience and putting up with my git screw ups 😁

  13. gnemmi

    and all other kinds of assorted screw ups as well 😁

  14. cal0pteryx

    it went all pretty smooth and I'm glad to have a new contributor!

  15. gnemmi

    Thank you *so* very very much !!! Im super honoured by the chance you guys gave me and try to do my best not to fall below your expectations!! 😀

  16. gnemmi

    Now that I've done it once, I have everything set up to make it as painless as possible for the next issue in case you would like me to do it again! 🤗