cal0pteryx, emus, here is the french translation (finally!)
neox: thanks a lot! can you (or somebody else who speaks french) translate this to french for me? ``` To unsubscribe from this list, [please log in first](https://mail.jabber.org/accounts/login/?next=/postorius/lists/newsletter.xmpp.org/). If you have not previously logged in, you may need to set up an account with the appropriate email address. ```
neox: fyi, the page's frontmatter (the part at the top, inlcuding title, date, tags) was missing, and all linked images were missing. I added them and will push the translated post later :)
cal0pteryx, of course
``` Pour vous désinscrire de cette liste, [veuillez d'abord vous connecter] (https://mail.jabber.org/accounts/login/?next=/postorius/lists/newsletter.xmpp.org/). Si vous n'avez pas encore ouvert de session, vous devrez peut-être créer un compte avec l'adresse électronique appropriée. ```
> neox: fyi, the page's frontmatter (the part at the top, inlcuding title, date, tags) was missing, and all linked images were missing. I added them and will push the translated post later :) Oh sorry, I disappeared in the process... Thanks a lot✎ ↺ -
> neox: fyi, the page's frontmatter (the part at the top, inlcuding title, date, tags) was missing, and all linked images were missing. I added them and will push the translated post later :) Oh sorry, it disappeared in the process... Thanks a lot ✏ ↺
neox: Thanks :) pushed
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