> in the upcoming days an italoargentinean fanzine (cybercirujas.rebelion.digital/zonawarpa.it) will release a new issue with a call to use XMPP in order to raise public awareness on the right to use anonymous and encrypted IM and start changing our digital habits and understand that we can lead a virtual life without depending on large corporations and at the mercy of algorithms... will share the link as soon as they release it zine #2 released here https://nextcloud.cybercirujas.club/s/F9jaYbbsxNekkQK ↺
👍 1 -
>> in the upcoming days an italoargentinean fanzine (cybercirujas.rebelion.digital/zonawarpa.it) will release a new issue with a call to use XMPP in order to raise public awareness on the right to use anonymous and encrypted IM and start changing our digital habits and understand that we can lead a virtual life without depending on large corporations and at the mercy of algorithms... will share the link as soon as they release it > zine #2 released here https://nextcloud.cybercirujas.club/s/F9jaYbbsxNekkQK And it explicitly recommends using Cheogram as the XMPP client on Android ..
How cool is that! 😎