XSF Communications Team - 2024-12-08

  1. Schimon

    Another open source messagin platform by the bame of Revolt. Is it built upon XMPP, and if not, should we advise them to utilize XMP? https://revolt.chat/

  2. Schimon

    Another open source messaging platform by the bame of Revolt. Is it built upon XMPP, and if not, should we advise them to utilize XMP? https://revolt.chat/

  3. Schimon

    Another open source messaging platform by the name of "Revolt". Is it built upon XMPP, and if not, should we advise them to utilize XMP? https://revolt.chat/

  4. Kris

    They know about xmpp

  5. Kris

    There is an FAQ entry by them where they mention the future possibility to federate via xmpp, but apparently that is a long way off.

  6. roughnecks

    there is also https://olvid.io/en/ I don't know anything about it, someone posted the link this afternoon

  7. Kris


  8. singpolyma

    A bit over complex but not too bad as there tutorials go. The only thing I saw that I'm pretty sure is an actual error is enabling csi_battery_saver along with csi_simple

  9. singpolyma

    A bit over complex but not too bad as these tutorials go. The only thing I saw that I'm pretty sure is an actual error is enabling csi_battery_saver along with csi_simple