Hey, my FOSDEM talk proposal has been accepted: https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/event/fosdem-2025-5721-a-universal-and-stable-api-to-everything-xmpp/ . Probably another things than could be put in the newsletter :)
👍 4 -
> Hey, my FOSDEM talk proposal has been accepted: https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/event/fosdem-2025-5721-a-universal-and-stable-api-to-everything-xmpp/ . Probably another things than could be put in the newsletter :) 👍 ↺
goffi, sorry for the late reply. I just came back home from work and the pad isn't working. Still I added this to my local file and will add it to the pad as soon as it comes back online again. Please tell me what you think. ( and the same goes for everyone else: all feedback is *always* welcome!):
### XMPP at FOSDEM 2025 - [Jérôme Poisson (Goffi)](https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/speaker/jerome_poisson_goffi/) proposals for presentations at the [FOSDEM 2025](https://fosdem.org/2025/) has been accepted! - [A Universal and Stable API to Everything: XMPP](https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/event/fosdem-2025-5721-a-universal-and-stable-api-to-everything-xmpp/): "Nowadays, most services provide APIs with their own formats, and sometimes multiple versions, which may change over time. But there is a universal API, with an excellent track record of stability and backward compatibility: XMPP!. In this talk, I'll show how XMPP can be more than just an Instant Messaging protocol, and how it can be an extremely powerful tool to access almost anything, from third-party networks (IM, microblogging, etc.) to file sharing, automation (IoT), and more. ". The presentation will take place on Saturday, February 1st 2025, on the [Real Time Communications (RTC)](https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/track/rtc/) track, room [K.3.601](https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/room/k3601/), starting at 18:25 and ending at 18:40 hs.✎ -
### XMPP at FOSDEM 2025 - [Jérôme Poisson (Goffi)](https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/speaker/jerome_poisson_goffi/) proposal for presentations at [FOSDEM 2025](https://fosdem.org/2025/) has been accepted! - [A Universal and Stable API to Everything: XMPP](https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/event/fosdem-2025-5721-a-universal-and-stable-api-to-everything-xmpp/): "Nowadays, most services provide APIs with their own formats, and sometimes multiple versions, which may change over time. But there is a universal API, with an excellent track record of stability and backward compatibility: XMPP!. In this talk, I'll show how XMPP can be more than just an Instant Messaging protocol, and how it can be an extremely powerful tool to access almost anything, from third-party networks (IM, microblogging, etc.) to file sharing, automation (IoT), and more. ". The presentation will take place on Saturday, February 1st 2025, on the [Real Time Communications (RTC)](https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/track/rtc/) track, room [K.3.601](https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/room/k3601/), starting at 18:25 and ending at 18:40 hs. ✏
gnemmi: Com'on it's Friday evening and FOSDEM is in a month 1/2, there is not rush ;). Thank you again for doing the presentation text, it saves me time (which is a sparse resource), I really appreciate. You text is good, but I personally would introduce without talking about proposal, but instead saying something like `[Jérôme Poisson (Goffi)](https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/speaker/jerome_poisson_goffi/) will do a presentation at [FOSDEM 2025](https://fosdem.org/2025/):` . But that's a detail, I just feel that when people will read the newsletter, it will be a scheduled talk, not a proposal anymore.
goffi, you are right .. FOSDEM is in a month 1/2 .. but "this" Newsletter will be published on January 5th 2025 .. and the next will be published on FEB 5th 2025 ( and that will be too late for the announcement!! ). So the news about your ( or anybody else's presentation at FOSDEM 2025 for that matter ) either makes it on this (December) Newsletter or it will never make on time! 🫠
goffi, "it saves me time (which is a sparse resource)" .. and that's the whole point of me doing it for you!! I really want to take this kind of thing out of the back from you and other devels so you can spend your time doing what you do! 🤗🤗🤗
goffi, "but I personally would introduce without talking about proposal". Sure thing! Consider it done! 🤗
my pleasure!