> Hello everyone! > Here is the Italian translation of the latest XMPP Newsletter: https://notes.nicfab.eu/it/posts/news_xmpp/24/news-xmpp-2024-11-/ > Unfortunately, it was published only today because I am back from a complex surgery. ❤️ ↺
> Hello everyone! > Here is the Italian translation of the latest XMPP Newsletter: https://notes.nicfab.eu/it/posts/news_xmpp/24/news-xmpp-2024-11-/ > Unfortunately, it was published only today because I am back from a complex surgery. ❤️ ↺
> Hello everyone! > Here is the Italian translation of the latest XMPP Newsletter: https://notes.nicfab.eu/it/posts/news_xmpp/24/news-xmpp-2024-11-/ > Unfortunately, it was published only today because I am back from a complex surgery. ❤️ ↺