XMPP Council - 2010-12-01

  1. Kev


  2. Kev

    We have two Council. I don't see Fritzy online, and I'm not sure if I have MM in my roster.

  3. Kev

    If I have, he's not online :)

  4. MattJ

    He says he's having connectivity issues

  5. MattJ

    Give him a sec.

  6. Kev

    Fritzy or MM?

  7. MattJ


  8. MattJ


  9. linuxwolf


  10. linuxwolf


  11. Kev

    Yay, quorum!

  12. Kev

    Not that we need it without anything to vote on.

  13. MattJ


  14. linuxwolf

    I need for fire my sysadmin

  15. linuxwolf

    oh wait…that's me

  16. Kev

    Ralph's online, but not responsive.

  17. Kev

    Fritzy's not.

  18. linuxwolf

    well, quorum at least makes it feel official (-:

  19. MattJ

    Hmm, cisco.com doesn't seem to like this server

  20. linuxwolf

    ok…I'll let some folks here know, MattJ

  21. MattJ

    Dec 01 16:06:29 s2sin280e330 info Session closed by remote with error: undefined-condition Dec 01 16:06:29 s2sin280e330 info s2s disconnected: cisco.com->muc.xmpp.org (undefined-condition)

  22. Kev

    I'm happy to blame either server - or both :D

  23. MattJ


  24. linuxwolf


  25. Kev

    Ok, shall we have our faux-meeting?

  26. MattJ gives a faux-nod

  27. Kev

    1) Roll call.

  28. linuxwolf


  29. MattJ


  30. Kev

    Packaging includes: linuxwolf (x1), MattJ (x1), Kev (x1).

  31. Kev

    RalphM and Fritzy not included.

  32. Kev

    2) Agenda Bashing.

  33. MattJ


  34. Kev

    (hopefully stpeter will reappear at some point, as two of the three items are his)

  35. linuxwolf

    none from me

  36. linuxwolf


  37. linuxwolf

    he's WFH, so I can't utilize POKE

  38. Kev

    So let's jump to the "Our job" item and come back later for Peter's items.

  39. linuxwolf


  40. MattJ


  41. Kev

    So, in among us cancelling week after week because we had nothing to vote on, Joe suggested maybe Council's job was to make sure we had activity that needed attention.

  42. Kev


  43. linuxwolf

    well, first...

  44. linuxwolf

    end of year is difficult to get anything really done (-:

  45. Kev

    Yes, that much is true.

  46. stpeter


  47. linuxwolf

    that's historical

  48. Kev

    Evening Peter.

  49. stpeter

    sorry, got the times wrong

  50. linuxwolf


  51. linuxwolf

    pesky time changes

  52. linuxwolf


  53. Kev

    We also have a different situation from previous years - last year we started being much less forgiving with voting periods, and as such lost the backlog of voting items that we've usually acquired over previous years.

  54. ralphm waves

  55. linuxwolf

    I think we should be taking a more (pro) active role

  56. Kev

    So the need to have a meeting to go over the same items again and have people not vote again has ended.

  57. Kev

    Evening Ralph.

  58. linuxwolf


  59. linuxwolf waves to ralphm

  60. MattJ

    If we should be more pro-active, more pro-active doing what exactly?

  61. Kev

    That said, I'm not opposed to us considering that it's our job to be making sure XEP progress continues.

  62. Kev

    The question is what the appropriate way of doing this is.

  63. Kev

    If it's poking the authors of XEPs we think need work, I think this may be somewhat pointless, as that's almost always Peter.

  64. stpeter


  65. linuxwolf


  66. linuxwolf

    how about we start with a roadmap (-:

  67. MattJ

    In my mind the council is by nature reactive, but the individuals should be proactive (writing and implementing specs is not something the council was set up to do together as a whole)

  68. linuxwolf

    set some goals for ourselves

  69. Kev

    We have a Peter again, so let's do that, yes.

  70. stpeter

    speaking of which, as soon as I'm done with these RFC revisions (speaking of pesky!), you'll experience a flood of XEP updates

  71. linuxwolf


  72. Kev

    Council discussing a roadmap is another thing I think's odd - we just vote on whatever people give us.

  73. ralphm

    there are some areas for which people asking for specs for a number of summits

  74. Kev

    But anyway, we can discuss what it is that we'd like for people to give us to vote on :)

  75. linuxwolf

    we've had roadmaps in the past

  76. Kev

    We have.

  77. Kev

    I think they're largely stpeter maps, rather than Council maps, though :)

  78. stpeter

    however, we might want to recruit people to take over maintainership of various specs -- e.g., microblogging

  79. linuxwolf

    file transfer v2, jingle, etc

  80. Kev

    Anyway, I'm not proposing not having one :)

  81. MattJ

    Exactly who's in charge here? :)

  82. ralphm

    I think a roadmap is a fine idea actually

  83. Kev


  84. ralphm

    we've all said what we think needs to be done in our applications

  85. Kev

    Road map items.

  86. stpeter

    Kev: I think the members discussion about roadmap items was good, perhaps we need to poke people to take ownership of various specs

  87. linuxwolf


  88. Kev

    I'm just looking up the member discussion, hang on.

  89. Kev


  90. ralphm

    so everything termed technical is our domain

  91. linuxwolf

    more or less

  92. Kev

    Not really Ralph, some is the WG's.

  93. ralphm

    except the ca stuff

  94. ralphm

    well, yes

  95. MattJ

    "and establish the JSF" <-- "oops"? :)

  96. linuxwolf

    well, this list looks a bit dated…sort of (-:

  97. linuxwolf

    the timeless goals

  98. stpeter

    I last posted about this on October 29 http://mail.jabber.org/pipermail/members/2010-October/006040.html

  99. Kev

    I'd see getting file transfer sorted as a reasonable overarching theme for this term.

  100. stpeter

    Kev: interop testing at FOSDEM might be good

  101. linuxwolf


  102. Kev

    It might.

  103. Kev

    Although it's a little hard to do that.

  104. Kev

    Given that FOSDEM is likely to be a fairly hospitable network.

  105. Kev

    Where we know that basically nothing interops with f/t on the Internet :)

  106. ralphm


  107. ralphm

    we can set up a local test bed?

  108. Kev

    We can set up a suitably inhospitable network, if we try.

  109. Kev

    The other thing that really desperately needs love is -45

  110. Kev

    If this year sees us do nothing except getting file transfer working and MUC cleaned up, it wouldn't be a bad thing, I think.

  111. MattJ

    and 198 :)

  112. MattJ

    and archiving

  113. Kev

    Well, 198 *does* work :)

  114. linuxwolf


  115. linuxwolf

    198 works for those that have implemented it, as far as I can tell

  116. MattJ

    It needs some spec changes, but that's on stpeter's todo already

  117. stpeter

    Kev: I have a big pile of MUC edits to key in

  118. stpeter

    MattJ: 198 needs changes?

  119. ralphm

    does that include work on what joe and I termed 'hats'?

  120. Kev

    I don't think hats belong in -45.

  121. stpeter

    agreed on that!

  122. linuxwolf

    stpeter: I think there were some minor nits for 198

  123. Kev

    Not that I think they don't belong anywhere, but not 45.

  124. linuxwolf

    I'll try to find them

  125. MattJ

    stpeter, it doesn't?

  126. ralphm

    I know there isn't a spec for it yet, but it would maybe remove stuff from 45

  127. stpeter

    linuxwolf: ok

  128. MattJ

    stpeter, you did say a while back it was on your todo :)

  129. MattJ

    stpeter, Dave and I have both posted feedback to the list that needs incorporating - I think Dave's was even in patch form :)

  130. stpeter

    I see a two-phase approach on MUC (or in parallel) -- clean up 45 and work on hats etc.

  131. Kev

    MattJ: You and I should sort out what else needs doing with archiving, and ask those nice folks on Council to approve a bunch of new XEPs.

  132. MattJ

    Kev, agreed

  133. Kev

    I see hats as GC3.

  134. linuxwolf


  135. ralphm

    does it include removal of status codes in favour of elements (like we did with errors in xmpp)

  136. ralphm


  137. Kev

    I see that as GC3 too :)

  138. stpeter


  139. stpeter


  140. linuxwolf

    moving away from status codes is a big change

  141. Kev

    Anything that's going to require every single implementation of xep-0045 to be modified doesn't belong in 45 at this point.

  142. linuxwolf

    not that I'm in favor of status codes, mind you...

  143. Kev

    No, quite.

  144. ralphm

    just assessing the scope

  145. stpeter

    we had talked about status elements as an extension, so strictly speaking it would not be in 45 anyway

  146. ralphm

    hah, so it would build on 45

  147. ralphm

    as if it is not big enough already :-)

  148. stpeter


  149. stpeter


  150. linuxwolf

    "too big to fail(off)"

  151. Kev

    ralphm: My opinion of scope for 45 changes is stuff that's largely backwards compatible and cleans up the ambiguities. Of which there are plenty.

  152. MattJ


  153. stpeter

    Kev: yes I think that's right

  154. MattJ

    I was always against a radically new protocol, but I'm not so much anymore

  155. Kev

    So, are we roughly done with the roadmap discussion?

  156. stpeter

    and I think that's what my edits worked toward

  157. stpeter


  158. stpeter

    MattJ: :)

  159. Kev

    Right, so

  160. ralphm

    stpeter: you mentioned mobile stuff and microblogging

  161. Kev

    Peter wanted to discuss open issues on specs.

  162. Kev

    Agenda item 4!

  163. stpeter

    people wanted a radically new protocol back in 2002, also

  164. linuxwolf


  165. stpeter


  166. linuxwolf


  167. stpeter

    let's see, open issues

  168. stpeter

    XEP-0266 -- Jingle codecs

  169. stpeter

    it would be good to finish that up

  170. Kev

    What needs doing there?

  171. stpeter

    it's difficult to get consensus on that topic

  172. stpeter

    I'm just raising open issues so we know what's coming :)

  173. Kev

    Consensus on 266 is impossible.

  174. stpeter

    I'd like to find someone else to maintain the microblogging spec

  175. linuxwolf

    I'm going to need to drop in a minute or two

  176. stpeter

    Kev: depends on how rough it is :)

  177. stpeter


  178. Kev

    Most people not disagreeing violently is going to be the best bet.

  179. Kev

    stpeter: Oh good, the 'rough consensus' oxymoron :)

  180. MattJ


  181. stpeter

    clearly the FT stuff needs updating

  182. stpeter

    perhaps we can push out new versions after interop testing at FOSDEM?

  183. Kev

    Doesn't sound unreasonable to me.

  184. stpeter

    and same for 198 and roster versioning?

  185. Kev

    My interest in interop testing is largely checking everything behaves s2s at the moment, but clients shouldn't be neglected.

  186. linuxwolf


  187. stpeter

    do we have a chatroom for the interop testing next week? just jdev?

  188. Kev

    We don't, that I know of.

  189. MattJ

    I made the interop room on this server the other day, but didn't announce it

  190. Kev

    I think bear took ownership of that event, but I've not seen anything since.

  191. Kev

    I'll poke the iteam into action for whatever's required :)

  192. stpeter

    heh ok

  193. Kev

    MattJ's volunteered to run the CA, I think.

  194. MattJ


  195. stpeter

    wow http://wiki.xmpp.org/web/Roadmap is ancient

  196. MattJ


  197. stpeter

    I'll update the roadmap tomorrow afternoon or Friday -- swamped through noon tomorrow

  198. Kev

    Other items on the horizon are Matt's and my history stuffs, the changes to other stuff around that (I'd like to update Mine to use it, although I never got a reply from Joe about that), xep-correct and similar stuffs.

  199. Kev

    We've hit the limit of my meeting patience, so shall we stop there for today? I think we've discussed most things.

  200. Kev

    Date of next meeting.

  201. ralphm

    I'd like the stuff from stpeter's mail on it

  202. stpeter


  203. Kev

    Next Wednesday, same time.

  204. stpeter

    +1 here

  205. ralphm


  206. linuxwolf


  207. MattJ


  208. stpeter updates the calendar

  209. Kev

    7) Any other business?

  210. linuxwolf

    stpeter: grazie!

  211. Kev

    Thanks Peter.

  212. MattJ doesn't say anything

  213. stpeter

    none here for now

  214. linuxwolf

    I got nothing

  215. Kev

    Jolly good :)

  216. Kev

    Ok, thanks all, then.

  217. Kev

    I'll sort out something in way of minutes in the not too distant future.

  218. Kev bangs the gavel.

  219. MattJ


  220. stpeter

    calendar updated

  221. MattJ

    Thanks :)

  222. stpeter

    http://xmpp.org/calendar/xsf-council.ics is your friend :)

  223. stpeter

    or http://xmpp.org/calendar/xsf-all.ics

  224. Tobias

    stpeter: the automatic updating of calendars works, right?

  225. stpeter

    Tobias: I updated it manually :)

  226. stpeter

    next time I'll let it update automatically

  227. Tobias

    that doesn't really answer my question, does it? :)

  228. stpeter

    nope :)