XMPP Council - 2011-04-27

  1. stpeter

    good morning, afternoon, or evening as the case may be

  2. Kev

    Afternoon Peter.

  3. MattJ


  4. Kev


  5. Kanchil+

    Kev: Done.

  6. Kev

    !agendaappend Vote on advancing XEP-0261 (Jingle In-Band Bytestreams Transport Method) to Draft http://mail.jabber.org/pipermail/standards/2011-March/024267.html

  7. Kanchil+

    Kev: Done.

  8. Kev

    !agendaappend Update XEP-0178 (Best Practices for Use of SASL EXTERNAL with Certificates) with the interim version 1.1rc5: http://xmpp.org/extensions/tmp/xep-0178-1.1.html http://xmpp.org/extensions/diff/api/xep/0178/diff/1.0/vs/1.1rc5

  9. Kanchil+

    Kev: Done.

  10. Kev

    !agendaappend Publish http://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/sensors.html as a XEP?

  11. Kanchil+

    Kev: Done.

  12. Kev

    !agendaappend Publish http://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/coin.html as a XEP?

  13. Kanchil+

    Kev: Done.

  14. Kev

    !agendaappend Publish http://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/json.html as a XEP?

  15. Kanchil+

    Kev: Done.

  16. Kev


  17. Kanchil+

    Kev: 1) Roll call 2) Agenda bashing 3) Vote on advancing XEP-0261 (Jingle In-Band Bytestreams Transport Method) to Draft http://mail.jabber.org/pipermail/standards/2011-March/024267.html 4) Update XEP-0178 (Best Practices for Use of SASL EXTERNAL with Certificates) with the interim version 1.1rc5: http://xmpp.org/extensions/tmp/xep-0178-1.1.html http://xmpp.org/extensions/diff/api/xep/0178/diff/1.0/vs/1.1rc5 5) Publish http://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/sensors.html as a XEP? 6) Publish http://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/coin.html as a XEP? 7) Publish http://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/json.html as a XEP? 8) Date of next meeting 9) Any other business Fini

  18. Kev

    !agendaup 0

  19. Kanchil+

    Kev: Command 'agendaup' failed: bot/scripts/agenda.lua:41: attempt to perform arithmetic on field '?' (a nil value)

  20. Kev

    !agendaup -10

  21. Kanchil+

    Kev: Command 'agendaup' failed: bot/scripts/agenda.lua:41: attempt to perform arithmetic on field '?' (a nil value)

  22. Kev


  23. Kev

    Silly Lua.

  24. Kev


  25. Kanchil+

    Kev: Command 'agendaup' failed: bot/scripts/agenda.lua:41: attempt to perform arithmetic on field '?' (a nil value)

  26. linuxwolf


  27. Fritzy

    I apologize for my absence last week.

  28. stpeter


  29. Kev

    Right, I guess we should think about starting.

  30. linuxwolf is thinking

  31. Kanchil+

    Kev: Done.

  32. Kanchil+

    Kev: Done.

  33. Kanchil+

    Kev: 1) Roll call 2) Agenda bashing 3) Vote on advancing XEP-0261 (Jingle In-Band Bytestreams Transport 4) Update XEP-0178 (Best Practices for Use of SASL EXTERNAL with 5) Publish http://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/sensors.html as a XEP? 6) Publish http://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/coin.html as a XEP? 7) Publish http://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/json.html as a XEP? 8) Publish http://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/coin.html as a XEP? 9) Publish http://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/json.html as a XEP? 10) Date of next meeting 11) Any other business Fini

  34. Kanchil+

    Kev: 0) Fini.

  35. Kanchil+

    Kev: -10) Fini.

  36. Kanchil+

    Kev: -9) Fini.

  37. Kev

    Yay, fixed

  38. Kev

    !agendaup 9

  39. Kanchil+

    Kev: 0) Fini.

  40. Kev

    Let's start!

  41. Kev

    I don't see Ralph online

  42. Kev


  43. Kanchil+

    Kev: 1) Roll call

  44. Fritzy

    Yay Lua!

  45. linuxwolf


  46. Fritzy


  47. stpeter increases the window size

  48. stpeter

    ack, no sign of Ralph

  49. Kev

    MattJ: There?

  50. MattJ


  51. linuxwolf


  52. Kev


  53. Kanchil+

    Kev: 2) Agenda bashing

  54. Fritzy

    whoah, lag

  55. Fritzy


  56. MattJ

    No bashing

  57. MattJ


  58. stpeter


  59. stpeter

    I don't think I have any bashing

  60. linuxwolf


  61. Kev

    Good enough

  62. Kev


  63. Kanchil+

    Kev: 3) Vote on advancing XEP-0261 (Jingle In-Band Bytestreams Transport

  64. linuxwolf

    I will vote onlist

  65. Kev

    It's not clear that we've had *any* feedback on the last call.

  66. Kev

    +to me

  67. MattJ

    No, I didn't see any

  68. MattJ

    Plus I wanted to implement this myself, but haven't yet :)

  69. Fritzy

    I'll vote on list

  70. Kev

    Which vaguely implies that no-one thinks it's needed to fill gaps etc.

  71. Kev

    I can't believe this is true.

  72. MattJ

    Me neither, I think it's just a case that implementations aren't ready enough yet

  73. linuxwolf nods

  74. linuxwolf

    I do hear desire for it…might just be too new still?

  75. linuxwolf


  76. stpeter

    as I recall there might be implementations in Pidgin and Psi

  77. Fritzy

    oh really

  78. Kev


  79. stpeter

    not sure if those are released

  80. Kev

    I didn't know it was in Psi.

  81. MattJ

    There might be an implementation in Gajim, but I'm not 100% sure

  82. remko

    IBB is, not jingle

  83. remko

    the spec is fairly trivial to be fair ;-)

  84. stpeter

    well, someone poked me on-list about a Psi plugin or patch for Jingle file transfer

  85. stpeter

    he wanted to know when the specs would be done :)

  86. stpeter

    anyway we can round up the implementers

  87. remko

    anyway, there's a typo in it, but i think it has been caught before :)

  88. Fritzy

    perhaps we should contact the authors and extend last call?

  89. Kev

    It'd be good to have *some* last call feedback before voting on this.

  90. remko

    i implemented part of it, but the summer will bring more :)

  91. Kev

    Fritzy: Right.

  92. stpeter

    we need to decide if we are going to require implementations, and implementation feedback, before advancing things to Draft

  93. Kev

    stpeter: Given that people have implemented this, it'd be good for them to speak up.

  94. MattJ

    I didn't know that was up for decision :)

  95. remko

    stpeter: did you have the invalid xml typo in example 1 already?

  96. stpeter

    MattJ: it seems to be an implicit criterion here

  97. MattJ

    stpeter, it begs the question of the purpose of last call if we don't really need any feedback

  98. remko

    is there a reason why this xep is in last call btw?

  99. stpeter

    hmph I thought I fixed that

  100. remko

    shouldn't it be in last call together with all other jingle FT specs?

  101. stpeter

    remko: because we're trying to get the whole jingle file transfer suite to Draft

  102. Kev

    stpeter: It's not that it's required to have implementations - it's that Last Call gave absolutely no feedback.

  103. stpeter

    per http://xmpp.org/about-xmpp/xsf/xsf-roadmap/

  104. remko

    and given that this xep only adds some jingle sprinkles on top of an existing spec, i personally would suggest waiting for implementation feedback :)

  105. stpeter

    and doing them all at the same time would have been too much for people to review

  106. stpeter

    remko: chicken and egg

  107. stpeter

    "oh I can't implement that, it's only experimental"

  108. stpeter


  109. remko

    stpeter: right, makes sense. But the state of the ohter xeps is not up to date, which means nobody will implement this or be able to give feedback without being consistent with each other at least.

  110. stpeter

    I'm happy to wait

  111. Kev

    I'd like to extend the last call, anyway

  112. stpeter

    I mean, it's not like there is a huge hurry

  113. stpeter

    XMPP is dying anyway :)

  114. MattJ

    So let's update XEP-0001 for Final as the only state :)

  115. linuxwolf

    Kev: +1 to that

  116. MattJ

    +1 to an extension... 2 weeks?

  117. linuxwolf


  118. Fritzy


  119. Kev

    MattJ: Seems reasonable to me.

  120. stpeter

    I can reach out to various people who have implemented this or have been thinking about it

  121. MattJ

    stpeter, thanks, that would help

  122. Kev

    stpeter: That would be good, please.

  123. stpeter

    same with the other jingle ft specs

  124. linuxwolf


  125. Kev

    Ok, moving on then.

  126. remko

    stpeter: i looked at them, i can give you feedback too ;-)

  127. Kev


  128. Kanchil+

    Kev: 4) Update XEP-0178 (Best Practices for Use of SASL EXTERNAL with

  129. MattJ

    with <it's a mystery>? :)

  130. Kev

    So broken :(

  131. Kev

    See the agenda sent to the mailing list :)

  132. linuxwolf

    Certificates) with the interim version 1.1rc

  133. linuxwolf


  134. linuxwolf


  135. Kev

    I'm voting onlist on this anyway.

  136. linuxwolf


  137. MattJ

    This, as dialback, is in my queue for thorough review

  138. Fritzy

    I need to take a look

  139. MattJ

    Dialback I'm halfway through, but not completed yet

  140. MattJ

    I forgot how long it was :)

  141. Kev

    Ok. Votes onlist in the next couple of weeks then.

  142. Kev


  143. Kanchil+

    Kev: 5) Publish http://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/sensors.html as a XEP?

  144. Kev

    Fritzy: As I recall, you were going to post your objections to-list for the authors to address, and I don't *remember* seeing that.

  145. MattJ

    That's a very good question

  146. stpeter

    I think the Council needs to re-review XEP-0220, given the recent discussions and the fact that one of the co-authors said my handling of it was "ridiculous"

  147. Fritzy

    Kev: You're right.

  148. stpeter

    so I would propose a re-vote on the latest version (0.9)

  149. Kev

    stpeter: OK.

  150. MattJ

    If we're going for a re-vote, Kev/stpeter please put me down as -1 on the last vote rather than DNV :)

  151. linuxwolf


  152. MattJ

    Because I do think it needs further review

  153. MattJ

    Anyway, sensors...

  154. linuxwolf


  155. Fritzy

    seems like a suggested practices XEP to me except for the parts that aren't. I'm -1, and I'll post about it on the list (I failed to last time)

  156. Kev

    So I'm not blocking sensors, I think.

  157. Kev


  158. linuxwolf

    good, I can be −0 (-:

  159. MattJ

    I never thought I'd see a non-humorous XEP with a section titled "Transducer values"

  160. Kev

    Please remember that the deal is that if you're -1 you have to post with justifications and potential remedies within a fortnight of doing so.

  161. linuxwolf

    MattJ: At least it doesn't have "timey-wimey bits"

  162. Fritzy

    Kev: right

  163. Kev


  164. Kanchil+

    Kev: 6) Publish http://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/coin.html as a XEP?

  165. Fritzy

    or a "bugger' log level

  166. Kev

    I'm similarly not blocking this, although there seems to be list discussion as to whether it's the right aproach, it seems to be *an* approach that could be not broken.

  167. MattJ

    +1 to sensors, +1 to coin

  168. MattJ

    Yep, and I'm glad to see the discussion, but I see no reason this can't be an accepted XEP

  169. linuxwolf

    not blocking either

  170. MattJ

    Considering the number of DMUC XEPs we have :)

  171. linuxwolf


  172. Fritzy


  173. linuxwolf

    ok, +1 too

  174. Kev

    I largely think of Experimental as being "Not obviously the wrong approach"

  175. Kev

    Which brings us on to...

  176. Kev


  177. Kanchil+

    Kev: 7) Publish http://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/json.html as a XEP?

  178. MattJ


  179. linuxwolf


  180. MattJ


  181. linuxwolf

    and I'll post some reasons why

  182. linuxwolf

    like "does not meet the first requirement"

  183. MattJ

    Can I re-post Dave's?

  184. linuxwolf

    MattJ: why not (-:

  185. linuxwolf

    this looks like it was taken directly from an XML.com article I read awhile back

  186. MattJ

    linuxwolf, people read xml.com?

  187. linuxwolf

    which noted the deficiencies of this encoding

  188. Kev

    I'm -1 as well, although I'll let linuxwolf post to the list first and add to it if I have anything else on top.

  189. linuxwolf

    MattJ: occasionally, for the lulz (-:

  190. stpeter

    MattJ: it's on my list to harmonize those DMUC things, but I won't get to it until June at this rate (first I need to do i18n stuff and that's taking me a while...)

  191. MattJ

    linuxwolf, I thought it died a decade ago :)

  192. linuxwolf

    MattJ: just before XMPP died (-:

  193. MattJ

    stpeter, right, but again it needs to see implementation I think

  194. linuxwolf

    stpeter: I think we should concentrate on i18n more than DMUC...personally

  195. Fritzy

    I'm 0

  196. Kev


  197. Kanchil+

    Kev: 8) Publish http://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/coin.html as a XEP?

  198. Kev


  199. Kanchil+

    Kev: 9) Publish http://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/json.html as a XEP?

  200. Kev


  201. Kanchil+

    Kev: 10) Date of next meeting

  202. Kev

    There we go.

  203. MattJ

    Next week is fine I think

  204. Kev

    Next Wed, same bat time, same bat channel?

  205. linuxwolf

    should be fine for me, also

  206. Fritzy


  207. Kev

    Peter's not here then, hink.

  208. linuxwolf


  209. linuxwolf

    he'll be on a plane back from Amsterdam (-:

  210. stpeter

    linuxwolf: agreed on DMUC

  211. stpeter

    right, I won't be available next Wed

  212. stpeter

    but you guys can handle things :)

  213. Kev

    Righty ho.

  214. Kev


  215. Kanchil+

    Kev: 11) Any other business

  216. MattJ

    I was going to mention dialback, but I'll do so on-list

  217. MattJ

    Anyway, fippo isn't here for me to stand behind

  218. stpeter

    as I said, I think the Council needs to re-vote on 220 0.9

  219. linuxwolf

    yeah, dialback … I need to read it again, and I'm going to pester some locals to read it with me

  220. stpeter

    perhaps it is indeed ridiculous

  221. MattJ

    It doesn't seem to be so far :)

  222. stpeter

    but 0.8 really bothered me because it was so confusing

  223. linuxwolf

    I would rather the author not be confused by their own spec

  224. linuxwolf


  225. MattJ

    I think the improvements are good overall

  226. stpeter

    we needed to go in one direction or another, and perhaps fippo didn't like the direction I took

  227. Kev

    So we've got got anything for AOB?

  228. stpeter

    his statements were a bit cryptic to me

  229. Kev

    Beyond adding 220 for next week, which is in my TODO.

  230. stpeter

    none here

  231. MattJ

    stpeter, he's given me similar cryptic statements this morning that I need to decipher :)

  232. linuxwolf

    Kev: it doesn't sound like it…but we do have an agenda item for next week (-: (XEP-0220)

  233. linuxwolf

    gah…meatspace lag

  234. stpeter

    per remko's comments, I think it might be useful to update XEP-0234 before pushing forward with the rest of the Jingle FT suite

  235. Kev

    Righty ho. Are we dones then?

  236. linuxwolf

    (T −0:02)

  237. stpeter

    remko and I were just chatting via PM, and he noted that 234 is wildly out of sync with 260/261

  238. linuxwolf


  239. stpeter

    I have 234 printed and will review it on the plane or in an airport sometime in the next week

  240. linuxwolf


  241. stpeter

    so we could do 260, 261, and 234 together

  242. stpeter

    that makes sense to me

  243. stpeter

    not in a huge hurry :)

  244. MattJ


  245. linuxwolf

    sounds good to me

  246. Kev

    I think that's a "we're done".

  247. Kev


  248. stpeter


  249. linuxwolf

    "are we done yet?"

  250. Kev bangs the gavel

  251. stpeter


  252. Kev

    Thanks all.

  253. linuxwolf


  254. linuxwolf


  255. Kev

    I'll sort out minutes tomorrow or so.

  256. linuxwolf rushes to next meeting

  257. stpeter

    "are we *almost* done yet"? ;-)

  258. MattJ

    I'm still trying to figure out what "meatspace lag" entails

  259. linuxwolf

    I'll get comments about json by Friday

  260. stpeter

    MattJ: IRL interrupt?

  261. MattJ

    Possibly :)

  262. stpeter

    that's my interpretation

  263. stpeter


  264. linuxwolf

    MattJ: "engineer needs coffee badly"

  265. MattJ


  266. linuxwolf

    and some interuptions

  267. stpeter

    I need to pack for my trip

  268. linuxwolf

    anyway…I'm late! (-:

  269. stpeter

    I'll be in and out, but mostly out

  270. Fritzy

    thanks guys

  271. stpeter

    I still need to read all the position papers for http://www.w3.org/2011/track-privacy/ -- I suppose I'll be doing that on the plane today :)