XMPP Council - 2017-11-22

  1. dwd

    Kev, In your iteam capacity, can you do the traditional shuffling of affiliations in this room, please?

  2. Kev

    I believe that's now done.

  3. Link Mauve

    Thanks. :)

  4. dwd

    Kev, Thanks.

  5. Kev

    I think it's time

  6. Ge0rG

    Indeed. My WiFi is good right now.

  7. Ge0rG

    300ms RTT and less than 40% packet loss.

  8. Kev

    Who's here?

  9. daniel


  10. Kev

    daniel, dwd, SamWhited?

  11. dwd

    It is time.

  12. dwd

    But of course I'd failed to set a reminder for this time. :-)

  13. SamWhited

    I am here.

  14. dwd

    That's everyone, then.

  15. Kev

    So, selecting a chair

  16. Kev

    I'm going to tell Dave to volunteer.

  17. Kev


  18. Kev

    Anyone else want to volunteer?

  19. dwd

    I'm happy to volunteer.

  20. SamWhited

    I voluntell Dave as well.

  21. Kev

    Doesn't sound like anyone else volunteering, so:

  22. Kev

    1) Selecting a new chair. Votes for Dave

  23. Kev


  24. daniel


  25. dwd


  26. SamWhited


  27. Ge0rG


  28. Kev

    Congratulations to Dave.

  29. dwd

    Well, thanks for the honour.

  30. Kev

    All yours :p

  31. dwd

    So, my suggested agenda was simply:

  32. dwd

    * Select a Chair * Agree a day and time for meetings * Agree about agenda mechanics (like if we're using Trello, when the deadline for items to be added is, etc).

  33. dwd

    We've done the first, so we can move onto the second.

  34. dwd

    When's a good time for everyone? I imagine that the overlap between Ge0rG / daniel and SamWhited is the deciding factor.

  35. dwd

    It doesn't have to be Wednesdays either, of course.

  36. Kev

    My preference would be Wednesdays at 16:00 UK time.

  37. Ge0rG

    1600-1700 UTC is good for me, DST-anchored in whatever local timezone

  38. SamWhited

    This is a good time for me, although I will be pulled into a meeting in ~20 minutes (but it's normally a short one)

  39. Kev

    And that we explicitly go back to DST-anchoring on the UK.

  40. dwd

    SamWhited, Does a half-hour earlier work for you, or would you prefer the *:30?

  41. SamWhited

    A half hour earlier would make it less likely that I get pulled away if that works for everyone else

  42. dwd

    FWIW, I prefer local-time anchoring, but I'm happy to be flexible during the US/EU change overlap.

  43. SamWhited

    So 1600 UK time?

  44. dwd

    I think that's the proposal.

  45. dwd


  46. SamWhited


  47. Ge0rG


  48. daniel


  49. dwd


  50. Kev


  51. dwd


  52. dwd

    So, final item - mechanics. I'm fine with Trello personally, but I'd like to "fix" and publish an agenda about 24 hours before the meeting.

  53. dwd

    Does that work for people, or does anyone have any suggestions?

  54. Kev

    I'm in favour of publishing. I don't have huge feelings about fixing, but do note that we used to have lots of last-minute submission of protoXEPs so they could be voted on in Council. Which may or may not be a factor.

  55. Kev

    So I'm happy to just go along with Chair on this.

  56. daniel

    I'm 'OK' with trello but I feel like last year we didn't actually use trello to its potential and just any text editor thingy would have been able to do the same job

  57. SamWhited

    Let's just add to the Trello TODO column and let the chair decide where to stop (depending on how long the meeting is going, whether it existed 24 hours before hand, etc.)

  58. daniel

    What im trying to say is that if we move that to the wiki or something we don't require people to create and account with trello

  59. SamWhited

    Just on the wiki

  60. SamWhited

    Which is generally harder to get an account for

  61. dwd

    Kev, Do you still have agendabot somewhere?

  62. Kev

    Well, Trello's just for the chair really, Dave gets to then transfer that to agendums.

  63. Kev

    I don't, but I'm sure it couldn't be that hard to write a new one if we particularly wanted.

  64. dwd

    Well, we'll go with Trello, but I'm absolutely fine with adding things on myself if people mail them to me or whatever.

  65. dwd

    And I'll add a column for "Next meeting agenda", and send the result to the list before the meeting.

  66. dwd

    Sound good?

  67. Ge0rG

    We've fixed the wiki account creation process, BTW

  68. Kev


  69. SamWhited

    Sounds good

  70. dwd

    OK, cool. We'll try this and see how it works out.

  71. Ge0rG


  72. dwd

    I think that puts us onto AOB?

  73. SamWhited

    There is at least one outstanding vote on a previous item by someone who is no longer on the council. Do they still have an opportunity to vote, or do we re-vote?

  74. SamWhited

    (vote by Tobias on moving 0387 to Draft)

  75. dwd

    I believe we have traditionally revoted on pending decisions by a previous Council.

  76. Kev

    That's certainly required on an open LC or whatever.

  77. SamWhited

    Sounds good; I'll move it back to TODO.

  78. dwd

    We'll also need to find a few minute-taker volunteers - I'll put out a call for volunteers on the members@ list unless anyone objects.

  79. SamWhited

    Unless jonasw is still willing?

  80. dwd

    SamWhited, Even if. He's great, but I imagine he'd like some help.

  81. SamWhited


  82. dwd

    Anyone have anything else?

  83. Kev

    I still have a preference for the chair writing minutes because I think it avoids confusion, but ... yeah.

  84. Kev

    No AOB here.

  85. dwd

    I see none.

  86. Ge0rG

    It would be good to ask the minute taker to add the reason for -1 votes into the minutes. That's something I missed the one time I did them.

  87. dwd

    So our next meeting will be 1600 UTC on 2017-11-19.

  88. SamWhited

    That sounds like a lot of work; minutes should be short and easy to get a quick overview of what happened. If people want more context, we have logs.</opinion>

  89. daniel

    do we? :-)

  90. Kev

    Ge0rG: Policy in the past has been that anyone vetoing had to mail standards@ with justification for the veto, and what is needed to remove it.

  91. Ge0rG

    dwd: 2017-11-19 is in the past. I'm sure you mean 2017-11-29.

  92. Kev

    And I strongly encourage us to continue that.

  93. dwd

    Ge0rG, Yes, I did, and mis-typed, thanks.

  94. Ge0rG

    Kev: ah, well.

  95. daniel

    oh logs are working again

  96. SamWhited

    That sounds sensible; I don't think we did that last time. I will start doing that if a veto is used.

  97. dwd

    Kev, Yeah, I think that's a sensible policy.

  98. Kev

    Vetos should be a rarely-used thing, really.

  99. Kev

    At least for accepting to Experimental.

  100. dwd

    Ite, Meeting Est.

  101. Link Mauve

    ā€œ16:51:26 dwd> So our next meeting will be 1600 UTC on 2017-11-19.ā€, technically, 1600 GMT.

  102. dwd

    (But do feel free to continue chatting).

  103. SamWhited

    Thanks all!

  104. Kev

    Thanks all.

  105. dwd

    Link Mauve, I'm giving UTC times to avoid confusion. When we shift relative to UTC, I'll continue to do so even if the meeting is pegged against EU Local.

  106. dwd

    Kev, I've actually found an external person taking the minutes interesting because of what they feel the need to clarify within the meeting.

  107. Ge0rG

    when will be the next change in EU local time change?

  108. Link Mauve

    I will also try to be there for minutes.

  109. SamWhited

    Link Mauve: Thanks! It'll be good to still have you around

  110. dwd

    Kev, Which suggests that the logs aren't always enough.

  111. Ge0rG

    I like the idea of an external minute taker as well.

  112. dwd

    Link Mauve, That would be hugely appreciated.

  113. Kev

    dwd: There's merit in that. I just think the Chair remembering they have to write minutes helps ensure things run to plan. YMMV.

  114. dwd

    Kev, Yes, that's true.

  115. Link Mauve

    SamWhited, of course I will, Iā€™m still as interested as before in council matters. :)

  116. Kev

    If the Chair can't write minutes from the logs, that means stuff wasn't clear during the meeting, and the Chair should have sorted it out :)

  117. Ge0rG

    Will the next meeting cover all the pending votes, like ODR?

  118. SamWhited

    That's why I like to take logs live; if I do it after the fact I only find out that something needed clarification after everyone left.

  119. Kev

    I used to mentally write the notes during meetings, but often didn't bother actually typing them until after.

  120. Kev

    Unlike when I used to chair meetings at work, many years ago, and would write the minutes (complete with who said what) before the meeting.

  121. SamWhited

    You must be the best boss.

  122. SamWhited

    (our meetings always end up being a bit unfocused; wish we had minutes before hand)

  123. Kev

    I wasn't anyone's boss back then. Just that the meetings were hugely predictable.

  124. Kev

    I used to print out the minutes, take them in with me, and just annotate wherever we deviated.

  125. Ge0rG

    Kev: did you always print out the same base meeting minutes document, or did you really prepare each time?

  126. Kev

    I really prepared each item.

  127. Kev
