XMPP Council - 2018-06-07

  1. jonasw

    you know that I’m not fond of Ephemeral messages, but voting on it based on "it is NTP over XMPP" was incorrect I think. I was unable to find any NTPy thing in there, and the person who suggested that on the ML backed out of that claim.

  2. jonasw

    also, I’d like to see reasons for the other -1s

  3. Dave

    Well, it's synchronizing timers and things. I'm basically not convinced of the security guarantees it's possible to offer around ephemeral messaging in general, and this seemed a particularly poor (and over complicated) rendition.

  4. jonasw

    it’s not really synchronizing timers. all it does is saying "hey, your client should keep this message for at most N seconds"

  5. jonasw

    there’s no synchronization going on

  6. Kev

    There's synchronisation of what you want the timers to be.

  7. Kev

    There isn't synchronisation of the time.

  8. Kev

    At least, given my reading.

  9. Kev

    But given that I found it very hard to read and extract what it intended people to do, I think that's a fair reason to reject it at the moment.

  10. jonasw

    I disagree. The ability to extract the intent from the text is (in this case, I think) mostly matter of language and structure, and thus editorial. That should not be reason to reject it from going to Experimental.

  11. jonasw

    (as much as I dislike the thing)

  12. flow

    what jonasw said

  13. Kev

    I'm happy for an Editor to try to clear it up so that it's possible to read it sensibly, but as things stand I can't judge the XEP properly because I can't understand what it's trying to do properly.

  14. jonasw

    so we’re going to reject this based on lack of manpower in the editor team, essentially? ;-)

  15. Kev

    I'm fairly sure that once it's clear what it's trying to do it'll be clear that it would be rejected for technical reasons.

  16. Kev

    So no, not really.

  17. jonasw


  18. Kev

    From what I can tell, it's got this overcomplicated and underspecified synchronisation protocol for the expiry values, which seems out of place here.

  19. Kev

    As well as having this weird overlap between "This isn't for security, it's just for hinting" and "Here's all this extra work we're doing to try to guarantee security".

  20. daniel

    i see if i can find some time next week to come up with a protoxep that’s just the hint

  21. jonasw

    this might offend the authors of that XEP

  22. jonasw

    different question: would adding a note which hints to how things were done in the past (clearly marked up as "note" and "things in the past, but still around in some implementations") be editorial?

  23. jonasw

    I’m "asking for a friend" who wants to add such a note to XEP-0045.

  24. Kev

    "It depends" is I think the answer.

  25. Kev

    I'd normally expect editorial changes in a Draft XEP to be typos and grammar corrections and things.

  26. jonasw


  27. jonasw

    gonna make a proper PR instead

  28. jonasw

    there you go: https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pull/664

  29. Dave

    jonasw, You can't possibly be arguing that a XEP that's too badly written for council to understand should be accepted, can you?

  30. jonasw

    Dave, when you put it that way it sounds horrible.

  31. jonasw

    I don’t think though that it’s impossible to understand and that it can be fixed

  32. Dave

    So you're agreeing it can't be fixed, then? ;-)

  33. jonasw


  34. jonasw

    lanugage is hard

  35. jonasw

    it can be fixed I mean

  36. Dave

    ^^ irony.

  37. jonasw


  38. Dave

    The thing is, I don't believe one can design something that gives a message an expiry for security reasons in an open interoperable way. To get those guarantees, you need restrictions on the server and clients that are unprovable.

  39. jonasw


  40. jonasw

    but isn’t it worthwhile to have a common way to do this, even if it only makes sense in specialised deployments?

  41. jonasw

    that would reduce the setup/development cost for those deployments.

  42. Kev

    Maybe, yes, but I think most of what's in the XEP is trying and failing to get security guarantees it can't achieve.

  43. daniel

    Dave: but arguably it is still valuable to have it standardized and then get library support so people who are using xmpp in closed environments (which I guess is the majority of people) have working solution ready

  44. Kev


  45. Dave

    I live in "specialised deployments", so I appreciate the sentiment. We hgave XEPs for adding classifications etc to messaging, for example. I'm all in favour of that. But those cases still provide guarantees outside of those environments. I'd be worried about the implication, so I'd want - from the outset - a clear scope on such a XEP.

  46. Kev

    But I'm not convinced that /this/ document is the way we would choose to standardise it for closed environments either.

  47. Dave

    Kev, +1 there.

  48. daniel

    Kev: no it's not

  49. jonasw

    okay fine

  50. jonasw

    now I wish those arguments make it into the council minutes

  51. jonasw

    because having "it does NTP" as rejection reason there isn’t great

  52. daniel

    also i think one has to use signal to understand what a timer setting update is

  53. daniel

    because i dont

  54. daniel

    i mean i get that you annotate each message with a burner. but why do you need to send updates?

  55. daniel

    and what does it update?

  56. jonasw

    the update is intended to make sure that the other side will use the new timer value on their next message

  57. jonasw

    i.e.: A and B have agreed on timer value X A wants to use timer value Y, so sends timer update B sends their next message with timer value Y

  58. flow

    FWIW I assumed timer updates to sync all devices a a user

  59. jonasw

    ah, other devices of the same user, too

  60. daniel

    ok. a) weirdly i have never been requested to implement this feature b) arguably it should use different syntax then

  61. daniel

    is this only signal that does this? where my contact can dictate the timeout message?

  62. jonasw

    I really wonder what type of people use this feature.

  63. jonasw

    (well, except people who really, truely need things like that)

  64. daniel

    that seems a bit dangerous. so if i'm just in the process of sending a password or other delicate information my contact increases the time out from 60s to 5 years

  65. jonasw

    good point

  66. pep.

    But this is not a security feature after all so I shouldn't really on this to hide a password right. Or is it still in the context of closed environments

  67. jonasw

    I think the latter, pep.

  68. Kev

    That's the confusion. It's both trying not to be a security document, and also trying to be a security document.

  69. daniel

    no it’s a just a hint; so in case of passwords it's like here i'm sending you information which you should copy paste into your password manager and then delete from the devices history

  70. daniel

    and arguably it is doing that job

  71. daniel

    (speaking about burner messages in general now. not that particular xep)

  72. pep.

    daniel, burner messages as in "marking messages as [sensitive/private]"?

  73. daniel

    no burner messages as in 'hey it's a good idea to delete that message after you mentally or (otherwise) processed that information

  74. daniel

    a friendly reminder between friends

  75. pep.


  76. daniel

    a friendly reminder between friends is also what i'm going to call the XEP

  77. daniel

    so there wont be any confusion

  78. pep.

    err, s/really/rely in a previous sentence

  79. Dave

    pep., Marking messages as sensitive/private is already covered by XEP-0258, incidentally.

  80. pep.

    I see