XMPP Council - 2019-07-17

  1. dwd

    Hi all - looks like I'm very likely to miss this afternoon's meeting, and helpfully, I've been too busy to get an agenda out.

  2. Ge0rG

    I've had some topic for discussion that I wanted to bring up, but I forgot what it was

  3. Ge0rG

    If we are out of Dave and out of Kev, I can try to chair today.

  4. pep.

    There's two new protoxeps, reactions and occupant-id, I guess that can be put on the agenda, or at least to review by council

  5. Ge0rG

    pep.: do you have links?

  6. Ge0rG

    I feel a bit rushed TBH, putting new proto-XEPs up for in-meeting review, without having them on the agenda yesterday

  7. Link Mauve

    Editor merged them two days ago, but maybe forgot to send the emails.

  8. Link Mauve

    No, the emails have been sent too.

  9. Ge0rG

    So you've just discovered that I didn't read my emails. Shame on me.

  10. jonas’


  11. jonas’


  12. jonas’

    Ge0rG, ^

  13. Ge0rG


  14. Ge0rG

    as both are already two days old, I presume that every Council member has seen and read them and they can be voted on.

  15. jonas’

    at least on one I have a strong opinion

  16. Ge0rG

    I have strong opinions on both.

  17. Ge0rG

    tis time

  18. jonas’

    I’m here

  19. Ge0rG

    Fake-Dev is up to no good, again.

  20. Ge0rG

    1) Roll Call

  21. Ge0rG

    Link Mauve?

  22. Ge0rG

    looks like Kev is out and Dave sent very-likely-apologies.

  23. Ge0rG

    jonas’: just you and me don't make a quorum.

  24. Link Mauve


  25. Link Mauve

    I’m here.

  26. Ge0rG

    ohai Link Mauve

  27. Ge0rG

    Shall we commence with a Council Meeting, then?

  28. Link Mauve


  29. Link Mauve

    We have quorum.

  30. Ge0rG

    2) Agenda Bashing

  31. Ge0rG

    For a lack of in-advance agenda, we have two proto-XEPs that were passed in.

  32. Ge0rG

    Any other things to put on?

  33. jonas’

    not from me

  34. Link Mauve

    None from me either.

  35. Ge0rG

    Awesome. Let's begin, then

  36. Ge0rG

    3) Items for voting:

  37. Ge0rG

    3a) XEP-xxxx: Anonymous unique occupant identifiers for MUCs https://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/occupant-id.html

  38. jonas’

    +1 on that one from me

  39. Link Mauve

    +1 too.

  40. Ge0rG

    I'd rather see those occupant IDs be in the form of JIDs and maybe even be passed as @jid in the 0045 <item/>.

  41. Ge0rG

    But +1

  42. Ge0rG

    3b) Message Reactions https://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/reactions.html

  43. Ge0rG

    I'm a bit torn on this. It's got some implementation details that I'd love to straighten out, but the elephant in the room is XEP-0372: References

  44. Link Mauve

    Ge0rG, the reasoning for putting them in messages was to be able to track them during MAM retrieval.

  45. Ge0rG

    This is obviously duplicating a subset of References.

  46. Ge0rG

    Link Mauve: yeah, it's a useful thing to have

  47. jonas’

    I reasoned why references isn’t a good basis for reactions in https://github.com/jabbercat/jabbercat/issues/80

  48. jonas’

    > References: refers to the body and may apply to only a subset of the referencing message. This is not so great: it creates ambiguity because the whole message is in fact a reaction.

  49. Ge0rG

    jonas’: that is probably the easiest to sort out with reactions

  50. Ge0rG

    as was discussed on list (or was it in xsf@?), we need some way to tell a MAM server that certain messages belong together.

  51. Ge0rG

    and it should be a unified way and not defined in each XEP individually

  52. Link Mauve

    jonas’, it was proposed to add a schema for referencing full messages, but IIRC that was only in the context of MIX, I don’t remember the details for the rest.

  53. Ge0rG

    one of the ugly sub-problems is "which ID to reference?"

  54. Ge0rG

    anyway, I'm still undecided on that, so +0 for now

  55. Ge0rG

    4) Outstanding Votes

  56. Ge0rG

    some have expired last week.

  57. Link Mauve

    3) I’m +1 on it, these issues can be ironed out before going to draft.

  58. Ge0rG

    Dave and Kev are pending on last week's

  59. Ge0rG


  60. Ge0rG

    jonas’: your vote on 3b please

  61. jonas’

    oh sorry

  62. jonas’

    I’m +1

  63. jonas’

    the details can be ironed out

  64. Ge0rG

    5) Next Meeting

  65. Ge0rG

    I suggest trying +1W

  66. Link Mauve

    +1W should be fine, I should note I won’t be able to attend the one afterwards, on the 31st.

  67. jonas’

    +1w wfm

  68. Ge0rG

    Great, then we'll try +1W and see if more Council members appear.

  69. Ge0rG

    6) AOB

  70. Ge0rG


  71. Ge0rG

    well, that's a clear message

  72. Ge0rG

    7) EOM

  73. Link Mauve

    Thanks Ge0rG for chairing today. :)

  74. Ge0rG

    Kev: your timing couldn't have been better.

  75. Kev

    Sorry, I was intending to be here, but was laid out in one of our meeting pods asleeep. Not feeling well.

  76. jonas’

    I hope you get better soon

  77. Kev
