XMPP Council - 2021-09-22

  1. jonas’

    1) Roll Call

  2. daniel


  3. Zash


  4. Ge0rG

    good morning

  5. jonas’

    do we get a dwd

  6. dwd


  7. jonas’


  8. Zash

    is that full house?

  9. jonas’

    full house!

  10. jonas’

    2) Agenda Bashing

  11. jonas’

    I was pretty done when I wrote it yesterday. Did I miss anything?

  12. Zash

    I'm not aware of anything

  13. jonas’


  14. jonas’

    3) Editor's Update

  15. jonas’

    - Last call for XEP-0459 ended

  16. jonas’

    4) Items for voting

  17. jonas’

    4a) Decide on Advancement of XEP-0459 Title: XMPP Compliance Suites 2022 Abstract: This document defines XMPP application categories for different use cases (Core, Web, IM, and Mobile), and specifies the required XEPs that client and server software needs to implement for compliance with the use cases.

  18. jonas’

    I think there was some valuable feedback on-list (and not enough feedback in general. I'd prefer if that feedback was incorporated first and then re-call, I think.

  19. Ge0rG

    on-list. I really missed the LC and now need to provide some feedback first.

  20. jonas’

    that's… not how an LC works normally

  21. jonas’

    but I'm glad if we can get more feedback

  22. Ge0rG

    I'm sorry.

  23. Zash

    I'm okay with holding out for more feedback.

  24. Zash

    It's not so different from last years, which was passed, so the silence could also mean lack of controversy.

  25. jonas’

    any other voices on this one?

  26. dwd

    I need some time to properly review, sorry, so on list.

  27. Ge0rG

    I normally review all the new / significantly changed XEPs for a CS

  28. daniel

    i'd be ready to give my +1 vote. but i'm also fine holding it another week

  29. jonas’


  30. jonas’

    then let's do that I guess

  31. jonas’

    4b) PR#1105: XEP-0280: feedback from Last Calls Something about things Georg did.

  32. jonas’


  33. jonas’

    I have no objections.

  34. Ge0rG

    I wish for a hand-wave re the text in https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pull/1105/commits/64f87e1d2ac8c60edd1355bc96ecfda25a603fc8

  35. jonas’

    enthusiastic +1 for that

  36. Ge0rG

    +1 obviously

  37. Zash


  38. daniel


  39. dwd

    Do we (technically) need to vote on this?

  40. Ge0rG

    I'm looking especially for feedback from dwd and Kev who are usually good at identifying breaking changes.

  41. Ge0rG

    dwd: no

  42. dwd

    I mean, +1 if we do, it looks fine.

  43. jonas’

    dwd, Ge0rG wants to avoid this bouncing at council on the next LC iteration

  44. Ge0rG

    jonas’: another LC?

  45. dwd

    jonas’, But I think it's my turn to reject '280, isn't it?

  46. jonas’

    we're not voting on advancement, are we?

  47. jonas’

    dwd, hmm, I think I might be next

  48. dwd

    jonas’, And no, we don't automatically need a new LC. This is LC feedback, and unless we think it needs another LC, then we vote to advance next.

  49. jonas’


  50. jonas’

    well then

  51. jonas’

    speaking of advancement:

  52. jonas’

    4c) XEP-0313 advancement Maybe not strictly for voting, but we should discuss what the author or editor can do in order to get '313 wrapped up, given the most recent feedback on-list.

  53. dwd

    So anyway - this PR looks OK to me. But I can't remember why we wanted to strip it originally, and besides it's procedurally an author's to handle.

  54. Ge0rG

    technically, I'd like to replace the CS link in 0280 to a link to https://xmpp.org/about/compliance-suites-current but that's not rolled out yet?

  55. Ge0rG

    oh sorry.

  56. jonas’

    sorry myself

  57. Ge0rG

    back to 4b?

  58. Ge0rG

    or AOB it?

  59. jonas’

    Ge0rG, let's finish it now

  60. jonas’

    though I have no idea what you're talking about

  61. jonas’

    and in any case that URL is more of an iteam matter. we can easily change the link post-advancement

  62. Ge0rG

    dwd: the stripping was part of the original 0280, and I have no idea why it was there either. But when the stripping was on the sending-server's behalf, the receiving server would still carbon-copy

  63. Ge0rG

    And then things got changed multiple times in inconsistent fashions

  64. Ge0rG

    and IIRC it was Kev who suggested that the _receiving_ client should know about attempted routing manipulation by the sender, so not stripping is actually better, security-wise

  65. Ge0rG

    But given that this whole strip show didn't receive any significant attention over the years, it probably won't bother anyone if I just change the wording

  66. dwd

    Honestly I think I'd accept pretty much anything to get '280 and '313 over the line.

  67. Ge0rG


  68. jonas’

    that's a dangerous thing to say, dwd.

  69. Ge0rG

    jonas’ the Editor, please merge #1105 then

  70. jonas’

    will do at some point

  71. jonas’


  72. jonas’

    4c) XEP-0313 advancement Maybe not strictly for voting, but we should discuss what the author or editor can do in order to get '313 wrapped up, given the most recent feedback on-list.

  73. Zash


  74. jonas’


  75. jonas’


  76. jonas’

    I don't know

  77. Zash

    What's the question?

  78. jonas’

    do we get any volunteer who PRs the current on-list favourite proposal (which would be Zashes I think)?

  79. dwd

    4c) XEP-0313 advancement Maybe not strictly for voting, but we should discuss what the author or editor can do in order to get '313 wrapped up, given the most recent feedback on-list.

  80. Ge0rG

    I'm very grateful to Kev about doing the last minute editing work, and I agree with Zash that having a multi-list is less inelegant

  81. Ge0rG

    Also a vague reminder about the dozen or so of issues in 0313 that I promised not to block advancement on, but are still important to resolve.

  82. dwd

    You know that never ending staircase by MC Escher? I'm pretty sure the tower there has a small note saying "Discussion on advancing XEP-0280 and XEP-0313".

  83. jonas’

    Zash, would you be up for PR-ifying your suggestion?

  84. Zash

    With what deadline?

  85. Ge0rG

    Also I'm still looking forward to hear detailed responses on how to treat type=groupchat from MAM in a client

  86. jonas’

    Zash, next week?

  87. jonas’

    next tuesday noon ideally

  88. jonas’

    Ge0rG, suggest the user to pick another server? ;)

  89. daniel

    Ge0rG, https://github.com/iNPUTmice/Conversations/blob/master/src/main/java/eu/siacs/conversations/parser/MessageParser.java#L431-L433

  90. jonas’

    or that, yes

  91. Zash

    I can attempt but my confidence in my XEP writing ability is low.

  92. daniel

    unless you do muc/sub or something

  93. Ge0rG

    daniel: well, my question was about having groupchat-in-MAM as a useful thing.

  94. daniel

    but if you do muc/sub you probably know

  95. Ge0rG

    these questions: https://mail.jabber.org/pipermail/standards/2021-September/038560.html

  96. daniel

    haven’t we been over that a bunch of times?

  97. jonas’

    my answers would be: intermixed, not at all, "in some way based on the stanza Id of the MUC", no idae

  98. jonas’

    Zash, thanks

  99. jonas’

    let's move on

  100. jonas’

    5) Date of Next

  101. jonas’

    +1w wfm

  102. dwd

    +1w wfm

  103. dwd

    Oh, I may have some AOB.

  104. Zash

    +604800s wfm

  105. daniel

    +1w wfm

  106. Ge0rG

    +1W WFM

  107. jonas’


  108. jonas’

    6) AOB

  109. jonas’


  110. dwd

    So, I think our term is ending relatively soon, isn't it?

  111. jonas’

    early November

  112. dwd

    Alex has asked me to get around to fixing the Memberbot, so I assume so.

  113. dwd

    In which case we should probably:

  114. Ge0rG

    2021-11-25 is the date

  115. dwd

    a) Plan the remainder of our workload to wrap things up.

  116. dwd

    b) Decide if we're standing once again.

  117. dwd

    And optionally, (c) go recruit interesting people to stand.

  118. Kev

    (I was on leave last week, BTW, I intend responding to Zash’s mail on 313 soon, although my response is, I think, that it looks elegant at first glance but that the discovery becomes horrid and I think we’re better off with my PR even if it’s not perfect.)

  119. jonas’

    (a) I think we're well on track there right now: We're trying to wrap up '280, '313 and push the CS far enough that they get advanced in our term or at least next council can easily advancet hem

  120. jonas’

    (b) Yes, though I'm not sure if I'm up for chairing next term. It's been a bit more draining this year and I might prefer a break.

  121. jonas’

    (c) Probably a good idea. I'll keep my eyes open.

  122. dwd

    (b) Oh dear.

  123. dwd

    [That was all from me anyway]

  124. Zash


  125. jonas’


  126. Zash

    Kev, looking forward to your elaboration email on that then 🙂

  127. jonas’

    I anticipated more discussion toward (a), but there seems to be none.

  128. Zash

    jonas’, I think you about covered it.

  129. jonas’

    Thanks for the pointer Kev, I'm looking forward to the list discussion, too :)

  130. jonas’

    7) Ite Meeting Est

  131. jonas’

    Thanks everyone.

  132. Ge0rG

    Thanks jonas’

  133. Ge0rG

    jonas’: you've been doing a great job as chair, BTW

  134. dwd

    jonas’, I think we would have discussed plans were we not all terrified at the thought of you not chairing anymore.

  135. jonas’


  136. jonas’

    Ge0rG, thanks