XMPP Council - 2021-09-30

  1. dwd

    Kev, You're right, and I should have performed my normal roles as annoying process wonk. In my defence, I took the discussion to mean "If this is merged, is anyone going to veto advancement?" rather than, strictly speaking, "Should we merge this". That said, previous Councils have *requested* that Authors merge in all the changes addressing Last Call feedback at once, and codifying *that* might make sense to reduce moving targets.

  2. jonas’

    dwd, the first sentence you wrote is exactly what I tried to express in multiple paragraphs above, thanks for that :)

  3. dwd

    jonas’, That I'm the annoying process wonk?

  4. jonas’

    sorry, second sentence :D

  5. dwd

    jonas’, ... as well?

  6. Ge0rG

    dwd: we should make you a business card with that.

  7. dwd

    Ge0rG, Fair. But as evidenced here, process is about setting expectations.