XMPP Council - 2021-10-06

  1. Ge0rG

    Minor reminder that I got a conflicting appointment today.

  2. jonas’


  3. jonas’

    1) Roll Call

  4. jonas’ .

  5. Zash


  6. jonas’

    do we get a dwd and or a daniel?

  7. Ge0rG

    I'm semi-here. Might be able to cast votes if there is not too much to discuss.

  8. daniel


  9. dwd

    We have a dwd!

  10. jonas’

    2) Agenda Bashing

  11. jonas’

    it was a late agenda again

  12. jonas’

    (turns out, IKEA assembly can be very captivating)

  13. jonas’

    3) Editor's Update

  14. jonas’

    - LCs started: XEP-0379, XEP-0401, XEP-0445

  15. jonas’

    4) Items for Voting

  16. jonas’

    We got a request to consider the deprecation of '411

  17. jonas’

    4a) Deprecate XEP-0411 URL: https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pull/1111

  18. jonas’

    I think that sends the wrong signal

  19. jonas’

    but maybe that's just my strange PoV?

  20. Zash

    I think that ought to be discussed on the list a bit

  21. jonas’

    I think deprecation of a compat mechanism should only happen once the main thing is obsoleted.

  22. Ge0rG praises the Editor

  23. jonas’

    Zash, also valid

  24. jonas’

    any other opinions on this one?

  25. Ge0rG

    I agree with jonas’ on that.

  26. Ge0rG

    Also compat mechanisms often survive very long.

  27. daniel

    > Bookmarks 2 defines its own conversion mechanism but the adoption of Bookmarks 2 - at the time of writing this XEP - is questionable. This hasn't really changed...

  28. jonas’

    Ge0rG, well, that they *survive* for long is no reason not to deprecate them

  29. dwd

    I, too, agree with jonas’ - a compat mechanism isn't deprecated just because the thing it's enabling compatibility with is deprecated. It exists *because* the old bookmarks was deprecated, in a lot of ways.

  30. daniel

    I mean I also would like bookmarks 2 to be more of a thing. I'm not sure depreciating the conversion xep is a good way to achieve that

  31. jonas’

    note that '411 converts between private XML and the single-node PEP storage, not between private XML and bookmarks 2.0

  32. jonas’

    note that '411 converts between private XML and the single-node PEP storage, not between private XML and bookmarks 2.0 (a.k.a. '402)

  33. Ge0rG

    somebody should draw a conversion flowchart.

  34. Zash

    Observation: '0411 is mentioned in the compliance suite

  35. jonas’

    okay, uh

  36. jonas’

    with the realization that '411 is actually converting between two different formats of '48

  37. jonas’

    I think that it actually makes sense to deprecate it

  38. jonas’

    with just the rationale that '48 is deprecated

  39. Zash

    I looked at the bookmarks (2) situation a few weeks ago and uh, it _would_ be nice if something could be pushed forward there.

  40. jonas’

    what point is there to have '411 when '48 is deprecated, given that '411 has no interaction with anything except '48?

  41. jonas’

    '411 has absolutely nothing to do with '405 (bookmarks 2)

  42. jonas’

    I am +1 on deprecation.

  43. Zash

    ITYM xep-0402

  44. jonas’

    yes, sorry

  45. jonas’


  46. dwd

    Hmmm. So yes, I had it in my head it converted to bookmarks2.

  47. jonas’

    (although it indeed also has nothing to do with '405 ;))

  48. Ge0rG

    XEP-0402 has undefined status "Draft"

  49. jonas’


  50. jonas’

    oh :)

  51. jonas’

    there's a bug there, thanks

  52. jonas’

    (rendering bug)

  53. dwd

    So... I'm likely to vote +1 to deprecate I think, but it would be nice to run this past the list.

  54. jonas’

    anyway, does anyone else want to cast votes on the '411 deprecation now?

  55. jonas’


  56. jonas’

    okay, two voices for running it past the list

  57. Ge0rG

    I'm on-list pending list discussion

  58. jonas’

    let's do the list thing then

  59. jonas’

    5) Pending Votes

  60. Zash

    Compliance Suite votes?

  61. jonas’

    There has been more late LC feedback on '459

  62. jonas’

    yes, only I'm missing

  63. jonas’

    I think I'd like to see that incorporated before advancement

  64. Ge0rG

    some of my feedback got strong counter-arguments

  65. Zash

    I think it's a bit weird to have all the changes go in an LC feedback updates

  66. jonas’

    Zash, my point being that any future change would be gated by Council

  67. jonas’

    and I don't think that's beneficial for anyone involved

  68. jonas’

    do you folks thinks that advancing while there's still open discussions is good in the case of '459?

  69. Zash

    I'm not opposed to extending while waiting for discussions to settle down

  70. jonas’

    okay, I'd be more comfortable with that

  71. Zash

    Altho, it's been quiet for almost a week aready

  72. jonas’

    in that case stuff should be integrated in my opinon

  73. jonas’

    before we advance

  74. Ge0rG

    Did anybody hear from the author?

  75. jonas’

    not yet

  76. jonas’

    I'm gonna poke them

  77. Zash

    please do

  78. jonas’

    let's extend the voting period by +1w on this one, and I'll poke the list and the author

  79. Zash


  80. jonas’

    speaking on +1w

  81. Ge0rG

    jonas’: great!

  82. jonas’

    6) Date of Next

  83. jonas’

    +1w wfm

  84. daniel

    +1w wfm

  85. Ge0rG

    +1W LGTM

  86. Zash


  87. jonas’

    dwd, still here?

  88. dwd

    I am.

  89. dwd

    And +1W WFM. :-)

  90. jonas’


  91. jonas’

    7) AOB

  92. jonas’

    anyone got anything?

  93. Zash

    too close to dinner time to have anything

  94. jonas’


  95. jonas’


  96. jonas’

    8) Ite Meeting Est

  97. jonas’

    thanks everyone

  98. Zash

    Thanks jonas’, thanks everyone