XMPP Council - 2022-02-19

  1. moparisthebest

    > Suppose the _real_ way to get things moving would be to develop an actual exploit and wave it around threateningly 😈️ Yes this for real

  2. moparisthebest

    Sam: you always display the call button regardless so when they log onto their client that supports calling they see the missed call

  3. moparisthebest

    Also when they don't answer you can "leave a voicemail"

  4. Sam

    Only if they have ever had a client that supports calling.

  5. moparisthebest

    Why? Maybe they'll install one tommorow?

  6. moparisthebest

    Besides, either way they'll get your voicemail

  7. mdosch

    Calling is a bad example. If they install a client with calls tomorrow there is no point in calling today or did I miss the time travel XEP?

  8. mdosch


  9. menel

    I think the example was, that the fallback is good enough, (http upload with voice) , so you _can_ use it anyways

  10. jonas’

    replace tomorrow by "in 2 seconds when the iOS client you had not seen yet gets pushed because of your call"

  11. jonas’

    I think the more realistic threat is, indeed, confusing PEP implementations

  12. larma

    mdosch, You can still at least display in a client tomorrow that the person attempted to do a call before they sent the voice mail (because the Call Invite is in MAM). Also from caller side, there really is no difference between "no client that supports calls" and "no client picks up call", so you need to be prepared for this to happen anyways.

  13. larma

    (not saying it might be a good idea to let the user know if it seems like the other side has no client with call support)

  14. MattJ

    On a related note, I plan to automatically reject incoming call invites on the server if it's not immediately deliverable (via a live connection or push notification)

  15. MattJ

    In the long term I see capabilities being attached to push registrations

  16. larma

    What's wrong with call invites in MAM?

  17. larma

    Ah, with reject you mean, to actively reject (not just error)

  18. MattJ


  19. MattJ

    It just improves the UX a little for the caller, and will hopefully weed out some issues I've been seeing people having

  20. larma

    Make sure to only do this when there is subscription...

  21. MattJ


  22. larma

    <gone/> condition from https://larma.de/xeps/xep-0353.html#table-1 would be good for this, right? Or do you think there should be a new condition for this?

  23. MattJ

    I think <gone/> fits (if you do :) )

  24. larma

    It was originally meant for when the caller goes offline while there is a pending call, so it has no real meaning when sent by the callee.

  25. larma

    So now we have one 🙂

  26. jonas’


  27. jonas’

    Did I just observe an exchange between XMPP community members, agreeing on a solution to an issue *immediately*?