XMPP Council - 2022-03-16

  1. Ge0rG

    I might be a few minutes late, this meeting doesn't seem to end soon.

  2. moparisthebest

    I really think there's nothing to vote on, all those look editorial, no ?

  3. daniel

    i agree

  4. moparisthebest

    if not I'd propose we just vote on all at once unless there are objects, I'm +1 on all

  5. moparisthebest

    if not I'd propose we just vote on all at once unless there are objections, I'm +1 on all

  6. daniel

    but we can probably just briefly agree on the fact that they are editorial

  7. daniel

    yes that was indeed the plan

  8. moparisthebest


  9. daniel

    it's time

  10. daniel

    1) roll call

  11. jonas’ is here

  12. larma


  13. daniel

    2) Agenda Bashing

  14. daniel

    nothing to bash

  15. daniel

    3) Editors update

  16. daniel

    none this week

  17. daniel

    4) Items for voting

  18. daniel

    Ge0rG made the PRs he mentioned last week

  19. jonas’

    to me they're fine as editorial and I'm happy to blanket +1 those

  20. moparisthebest

    same here, look editorial, +1 them all

  21. larma

    +1 all

  22. daniel

    let's vote for all of them at once

  23. daniel

    +1 here as well

  24. moparisthebest

    it'd be strange if Ge0rG didn't +1 his own PRs :D

  25. Ge0rG

    I consider them all as editorial, however I'd really like to hear from implementors of sipub, if such ones exist

  26. daniel

    since I started voting can we can a formal +1 from you Ge0rG?

  27. Ge0rG


  28. daniel


  29. Ge0rG

    +1 on all my pending PRs

  30. daniel

    5) Pending votes

  31. daniel


  32. daniel

    6) Date of Next

  33. daniel

    +1w wfm

  34. moparisthebest

    +1w wfm

  35. larma

    +1w wfm

  36. jonas’

    +1w wfm

  37. daniel

    7) AOB

  38. moparisthebest

    none here

  39. jonas’

    neither here

  40. larma


  41. Ge0rG


  42. daniel

    7) Close

  43. jonas’

    thanks daniel !

  44. moparisthebest

    thanks daniel

  45. daniel

    that was a quick one. thank you all

  46. larma

    Thanks daniel :

  47. larma

    Thanks daniel 🙂

  48. Ge0rG

    It was so quick that my other conference call is still going.