XMPP Council - 2022-04-20

  1. jonas’


  2. Ge0rG

    Somebody was 15 minutes late to a meeting, so I'm delayed

  3. jonas’

    was it you?

  4. Ge0rG

    No, I was the one waiting

  5. jonas’


  6. daniel

    Hi. It's time

  7. daniel

    Recompiling Dino...

  8. daniel

    1) roll call

  9. jonas’

    shouting at unbound for randomly starting to SERVFAIL

  10. jonas’

    but present

  11. jonas’

    all hail long-living TCP connections

  12. daniel

    moparisthebest, larma?

  13. moparisthebest


  14. larma


  15. daniel

    we don’t really have an agenda today so I’m gonna skip right "Date of next"

  16. jonas’

    +1w wfm

  17. daniel

    +1w wfm

  18. larma

    +1w wfm

  19. Ge0rG

    +1W WFM

  20. daniel

    7) AOB

  21. jonas’ raises hand

  22. daniel

    go ahead jonas’

  23. jonas’

    https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pull/1177 any clue on the process there? It's updating a rejected ProtoXEP for resubmission.

  24. jonas’

    <editor-hat>https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pull/1177 any clue on the process there? It's updating a rejected ProtoXEP for resubmission.

  25. jonas’

    my workflow would be to pretend that was an entirely new protoxep and let it go through the process.

  26. jonas’

    any objections?

  27. daniel

    seems fine with me

  28. daniel

    what council rejected this?

  29. jonas’

    not this one, I'd have to search through the archives

  30. moparisthebest


  31. jonas’

    oh no

  32. jonas’

    there was a whole bikeshedding thing going on

  33. jonas’

    something about message bodies I think

  34. daniel

    oh no

  35. jonas’

    also OMEMO compatibility

  36. jonas’

    because <body/> and not-<body/>

  37. daniel

    any way. just resubmitting seems fine with me

  38. jonas’

    (2019-12-28 has this particular piece of discussion)

  39. jonas’

    daniel, ack, works for me, will do so on the next slot

  40. jonas’


  41. jonas’

    and also end of my AOB

  42. daniel

    I’m somewhat sad we never managed to spec out ephemeral messages. I've implemented this so many times

  43. jonas’

    did you submit a XEP even once? ;)

  44. daniel

    not sure i like this particular spec. but we'll see next week

  45. daniel

    no :-)

  46. jonas’

    well then

  47. daniel

    any other aob?

  48. larma


  49. jonas’

    me neither

  50. daniel

    8) Close

  51. daniel

    see you next week

  52. jonas’

    ack, thanks!

  53. moparisthebest

    Sorry apparently my conversations is doing the "randomly 5 minutes behind and won't catch up" thing again

  54. moparisthebest

    Was trying to say +1w wfm and thanks daniel anyway, maybe it'll get through one day

  55. jonas’

    a pity that there's no conversations dev around here ;)

  56. moparisthebest

    if I had anything at all other than "this is completely random and might affect 1 other person also completely randomly" I'd ask him :/

  57. jonas’

    get all the logs?

  58. pep.

    > daniel> not sure i like this particular spec. but we'll see next week Fwiw I'm happy to get reviews already, so we don't have to go 36 times through the process..