XMPP Council - 2022-09-21

  1. jonas’


  2. jonas’

    I'm on my way home now and I'm not sure I'll arrive before meeting time

  3. jonas’

    I'll try to attend from mobile, but chances are that I'm on a walking part of the way so I might not be able to

  4. daniel

    ok. I don’t think there is anything urgent today anyway

  5. jonas’


  6. daniel

    It's time

  7. daniel

    1) roll call

  8. Ge0rG


  9. jonas’


  10. daniel

    ah. I was about to say that going through the agenda would pretty much only a a formality since we don’t have anything to discuss this week

  11. daniel

    2) agenda bashing 3) editors update none this week 4) Items for voting none 5) Pending votes none

  12. daniel

    6) Date of next

  13. daniel

    I think we will be more complete again next week and probably also have thinks to vote on since the editor is back

  14. daniel

    +1w wfm

  15. jonas’

    +1w wfm

  16. daniel

    7) AOB

  17. jonas’

    none from me

  18. daniel

    just one quick note from my side. as you have seen on the list Council applications are open: https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/Board_and_Council_Elections_2022

  19. daniel

    8) Close

  20. jonas’


  21. jonas’

    thanks for the reminder