XMPP Council - 2022-10-26

  1. daniel

    1) Roll call

  2. moparisthebest


  3. Ge0rG


  4. larma


  5. daniel


  6. daniel

    2) Agenda bashing

  7. daniel


  8. daniel

    3) Editor updates no updates this week

  9. daniel

    4) Items for voting

  10. daniel

    nothing new this week

  11. daniel

    5) Pending votes

  12. daniel

    all new xeps from last week have pending votes.

  13. Ge0rG checks Table of Doom, closes tab in despair

  14. daniel

    let's go through them one by one

  15. daniel

    pubsub social feed. pending votes from marvin Ge0rG and me

  16. daniel


  17. larma


  18. jonas’


  19. jonas’


  20. jonas’

    sorry, dino wasn't joined

  21. jonas’


  22. daniel

    Ge0rG, do you have a vote for us?

  23. Ge0rG

    daniel: unfortunately not, no

  24. daniel

    ok. no worries. moving on

  25. daniel

    OpenPGP for PubSub. pending votes from everyone except larma

  26. daniel


  27. jonas’


  28. Ge0rG


  29. moparisthebest


  30. daniel

    SASL scram downgrade protection

  31. daniel

    everyone is pending on that one

  32. daniel


  33. Ge0rG


  34. jonas’


  35. larma


  36. daniel

    moparisthebest do you want to cast a vote?

  37. moparisthebest

    I'm +1 even though we should probably just do some HPKP style public key pinning and forget SCRAM all together...

  38. daniel

    6) Date of Next

  39. moparisthebest

    +1w wfm

  40. larma

    +1w wfm

  41. daniel

    +1w wfm

  42. Ge0rG

    +1w wfm

  43. daniel

    7) AOB

  44. jonas’

    (+1w wfm)

  45. daniel

    don’t forget to reapply (if you want to)

  46. moparisthebest

    other than that I got nothing

  47. jonas’


  48. jonas’

    no applicants yet

  49. larma

    jonas’, have you heard anything from dwd?

  50. jonas’

    I have not

  51. daniel

    ok. I assume there are no other AOB

  52. daniel

    8) Close

  53. daniel

    thank you all. see you next week

  54. larma

    thanks daniel 🙂

  55. moparisthebest

    thanks daniel & all

  56. Ge0rG


  57. jonas’

    does anyone know another way to reach dwd except by email?

  58. jonas’

    we should figure out what to do with larmas PR

  59. daniel

    I'm generally slightly frustrated about how we deal with inactive authors. frustrated not because I'm blaming anyone but the status quo is often $someone proposes XEP; nothing happens for years; someone else finds XEP useful; provides feedback but by that time $someone has become inactive in the community (or might not even work in the industry anymore)

  60. daniel

    but I don’t really have a good solution for that.

  61. moparisthebest

    the council can just grant authorship to the new person right?

  62. moparisthebest

    I think we should just do that more aggressively

  63. Ge0rG

    yes, and we've done that before

  64. daniel

    I'm wondering if we should put some rules around that. Like any deferred XEP is up for grabs for example

  65. Kev

    I'd have thought a policy of needing authors to reply to a mail within a month, and then Council finds a co-Author to take it on, would be fairly sensible. Less long than that clearly isn't because holidays, etc., but people *do* leave the industry (I'm not sure Dave is still doing any XMPP, although I'd expect he'd have responded anyway).

  66. daniel

    because otherwise it feels slightly political if council "punished" less active authors

  67. moparisthebest

    yea I think a period of time with no response is perfect, a month seems fine

  68. Ge0rG

    +1 for a one-month notice period to prior authors

  69. Kev

    > I'm wondering if we should put some rules around that. Like any deferred XEP is up for grabs for example XEPs often go deferred because the Author was the only one trying to do anything with them, so assigning new authors automatically when deferred seems not quite right, to me.

  70. Kev

    If a policy gets put in place now, I'd suggest making sure it's publicised on the list, and taking effect from now, rather than retroactively.

  71. daniel

    > so assigning new authors automatically when deferred seems not quite right, to me. well I was thinking unaddressed feedback + obsolete + new volunteer

  72. daniel

    but yes I'm literally just thinking out loud; not making any real suggestions

  73. Ge0rG

    do we need to put it into XEP-0001?

  74. moparisthebest

    the policy now is basically just "whenever the council feels like it" no ?

  75. Kev

    I'd have thought sending a proposal to list likely to generate useful discussion, FWIW.

  76. Kev

    > the policy now is basically just "whenever the council feels like it" no ? Yes. So Council could come up with a policy without encoding it, I think.

  77. moparisthebest

    yep so just a notice seems good enough, if someone comes up with a really good argument against it we can just change our minds

  78. Kev

    I think "anyone find a reason this is a bad idea?" would be better than just announcing, but don't feel strongly enough to argue much.