Daniel, the XSF Event calender contains a recurring 'council meeting' event that you once created. It could use an update (I tried doing it myself, but do not have the right permissions).
I finally had the time to work on Muji XEP again. Here's the PR https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pull/1139. I've email confirmation from one of the previous authors (Sjoerd) that they are fine with me being added as an author and effectively taking over the XEP. As they're not active in XMPP anymore (and it took them literally a year to answer to my email) I was wondering what the procedure is here.
Forward the email to the editor. Editor will use that as an ACK to merge your changes. Your changes will also make you author (either within your own PR or editor will add you as an author to the xep)
Adding myself as author is already in the PR 🙂
I think in the past council has made the decision to make someone author because the og author was not responsive. But in that case it seems to be the case so author ACK is good enough
Which email address do you want this? editor@xmpp.org?
You can try I'm not convinced this will work though...
I sent it to your personal email 😉 Thanks