XSF Editor Team - 2014-02-20

  1. Steffen Larsen

    wuha!. it works

  2. Steffen Larsen


  3. Steffen Larsen

    Great job stpeter!. thanks

  4. stpeter


  5. stpeter

    hi Steffen, how are you?

  6. stpeter

    it seems that stpeter@stpeter.im is an admin on muc.xmpp.org :-)

  7. Steffen Larsen

    I'm great actually.. doing what I like the most. doing XMPP apps and server stuff. :-)

  8. stpeter


  9. Steffen Larsen

    and you? had a great start at andyet?

  10. stpeter

    ok I am going to turn on logging

  11. Steffen Larsen


  12. Steffen Larsen

    please do

  13. stpeter

    yes, a great start - a wonderful team

  14. Steffen Larsen

    yes. I envy you.

  15. Steffen Larsen

    truely great stuff the guys are doing

  16. stpeter

    ok, I can't enable logging via the client

  17. stpeter

    but I've made the room persistent

  18. stpeter

    I might need to hack the server config :-)

  19. Steffen Larsen

    I have my own company and its great.. but sometimes it must be great to have some great and inspiring colleagues.

  20. Steffen Larsen

    ha ha

  21. stpeter

    yeah that must be lonely sometimes - it's great to have a support structure in a small team

  22. Steffen Larsen


  23. Steffen Larsen

    but 80% of the time I am sitting at the company I am doing consultancy for

  24. Steffen Larsen

    mostly to get out and meet some people

  25. Steffen Larsen

    Too bad I can't meet up with you guys in London here in March. seems to be interesting stuff

  26. stpeter

    there's always FOSDEM next year

  27. stpeter

    but we might need to find somewhere else to meet than the Cisco office

  28. Steffen Larsen


  29. stpeter

    there must be some nice co-working spaces in Brussels

  30. Steffen Larsen

    actually I might come to US this year as well, if there will be a summit in autumn

  31. stpeter

    or maybe we can meet in Leuven - Remko says it is much nicer :-)

  32. Steffen Larsen

    tickets are cheep at the moment

  33. Steffen Larsen


  34. Steffen Larsen

    its close to Brussels

  35. Steffen Larsen


  36. stpeter

    yeah I don't know what we'll do about a second Summit

  37. stpeter


  38. stpeter

    quite close

  39. stpeter

    maybe a 20-30 minute train ride

  40. Steffen Larsen

    he he yes. but people are still showing up. Its great with more fuzz about XMPP.. due to IoT and webRTC

  41. Steffen Larsen

    ok cool

  42. stpeter


  43. stpeter

    I wonder what kind of conference we can co-locate with

  44. stpeter

    Realtime Conf was good for that reason

  45. stpeter

    we don't have anything like FOSDEM in North America

  46. Steffen Larsen

    iI remember we teamed up with this big one in 2010.. was it qcon??

  47. Steffen Larsen

    in portland

  48. stpeter

    probably OSCON

  49. stpeter

    it is much more corporate than FOSDEM

  50. Steffen Larsen

    ahh yes

  51. Steffen Larsen

    true true

  52. Steffen Larsen

    but it was actually quite good

  53. Steffen Larsen

    and I liked portland. more leaned back than NYC where I have family. ;-)

  54. stpeter

    yeah Portland is nice

  55. stpeter

    good food, good beer, friendly vibe, lots of tech / open source stuff happening

  56. Steffen Larsen


  57. stpeter

    aha, it seems that logging is on by default: http://logs.xmpp.org/editor/140220/

  58. Steffen Larsen


  59. stpeter

    but room creation is locked down so that only admins can create rooms

  60. Steffen Larsen

    out of the box with prosody?

  61. stpeter

    it's how this prosody instance is configured

  62. Steffen Larsen


  63. Steffen Larsen

    I think I'll do the same archive log for tigase.. I've started to work abit with these guys

  64. Steffen Larsen

    its nice to have

  65. stpeter

    I like the Tigase guys :-)

  66. stpeter


  67. Steffen Larsen


  68. stpeter

    so many good people in the XMPP community

  69. Steffen Larsen

    they asked me to help them.. so I am kind of a subcontractor for them :-)

  70. Steffen Larsen

    yes.. thats what I like

  71. Steffen Larsen

    the only protocol with an actual community

  72. Steffen Larsen

    and active

  73. Steffen Larsen

    even though we could be more active. :-)

  74. stpeter

    oh yes, we certainly could be

  75. stpeter

    I think the encrypted network effort has been good for getting operators involved, but there's more we can do for sure

  76. stpeter

    bbiaf, time for lunch here

  77. Steffen Larsen

    yes true

  78. Steffen Larsen

    ok. cheers!