XSF Editor Team - 2017-11-23

  1. Link Mauve

    Hi, https://xmpp.org/extensions/ hasn’t been regenerated with the two new XEPs published yesterday, even though their URL is working.

  2. jonasw

    Link Mauve, that’s a kind-of known issue, please ping Guus or somebody else from iteam to trigger a website rebuild

  3. Link Mauve

    I think he got ping’d, thanks. :)

  4. Guus

    hargh. This is annoying

  5. Guus

    thoughts on automation here?

  6. jonasw

    Guus, something which allows the xep build to trigger a website build

  7. jonasw

    no idea how though

  8. Guus


  9. Guus

    I think Dockerhub allows that

  10. Guus

    ...weird that we didn't pick up on that before

  11. Guus

    perhaps new?

  12. Guus

    let me set it up, ifyou can then cause XEPs to build...

  13. Guus

    "Link your Automated Build to another Docker Hub repository, and when that repository is updated, it will automatically trigger a rebuild of this Automated Build."

  14. Guus

    for the website, that now looks at the xeps repo

  15. jonasw

    sounds good

  16. Guus

    could you do a whitespace commit or something similar?

  17. Guus

    let's see if this works from a to z.

  18. jonasw

    Guus, done

  19. jonasw


  20. jonasw

    not done

  21. jonasw

    there we go

  22. Guus

    okay. I'll likely completely forget about this. Please ping me if I do :)

  23. Guus swims for another lap, wondering about the nice castle that's suddenly present.

  24. Guus

    Seems to have worked

  25. Guus

    I've added our logo to the docker hub pages, for extra bling.

  26. jonasw

    Guus, \o/