XSF Editor Team - 2022-12-25

  1. jonas’

    moparisthebest: I hope you didn't freeze over there!

  2. moparisthebest

    jonas’: nearly, it got down to about -30c Friday and Saturday and I had to drive to pick up family cause the roads were awful lol, hope you all are warmer

  3. jonas’

    +10°C throughout the weekend

  4. moparisthebest

    That's downright balmy

  5. moparisthebest

    We did have a white Christmas it's just too cold for the kids to go out and play in it lol

  6. jonas’


  7. jonas’

    just glad you're ok, I heard of peaks of -50°C which would be straight out of The Day after Tomorrow

  8. moparisthebest

    About -45c is the coldest it's ever been here that I've seen, I think it was around 2016, do not want

  9. jonas’

    coldest I saw was like -20°C (at night)

  10. moparisthebest

    I'd describe it as incompatible with human life

  11. jonas’

    makes for pretty pictures of frozen rivers

  12. jonas’

    I bet

  13. moparisthebest

    Oh yea it's fine to look at from a warm place :P

  14. jonas’

    though the folks in sibiria manage somehow

  15. jonas’


  16. jonas’

    the -10 we had a week ago was also only fun for short periods of time

  17. jonas’

    until returning into a russian-gas-heated home :/

  18. moparisthebest

    My home is all electric and therefore powered by coal :P

  19. jonas’


  20. jonas’

    bad in a different way

  21. moparisthebest

    One day (tm) solar will be cheap+good enough and then it'll be totally powered by the sun 🤞

  22. jonas’

    at least we'll get district heating soon

  23. jonas’

    still gas, but at least it's also used to generate electricity

  24. moparisthebest

    I guess technically all fossil fuels are solar power just on a different scale

  25. jonas’

    well yeah

  26. jonas’

    except that they also have that nasty CO2 thing goig

  27. jonas’

    except that they also have that nasty CO2 thing going

  28. jonas’

    though not only solar, also geothermal

  29. moparisthebest

    Hmm true