jdev - 2019-11-24

  1. test


  2. lovetox

    ok ibr password change is a bit weird

  3. lovetox

    i have to set a new password, and in return i get maybe a error including a form with further questions

  4. lovetox

    why not just do the same as with register, request a form with all the fields..

  5. Zash

    Is that how it works?

  6. Zash

    Oh, that weird one where the XEP says to return an error along with a form?

  7. Zash

    That's super weird and unlike everything else in all of XMPP.

  8. Zash

    You have my support in just ignoring it and doing the sensible thing, like you said, request a form first.

  9. lovetox

    yeah except there is no way to request a form ^^

  10. lovetox

    the example given in the xep is also borderline stupid

  11. lovetox

    let the user type his new password, then send it to the server, get a error back and a form which says to type the old password and the new password again

  12. Zash

    The sensible thing would be an iq-get like https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0077.xml#example-1

  13. Zash

    Looks like that's what Prosody implements

  14. lovetox

    Zash, yes for register

  15. lovetox

    but not for password change

  16. Zash

    Fix the XEP

  17. Zash

    Actually, deprecate it

  18. Zash

    Having iq stanzas pre-auth is ugly and awkward.

  19. Zash

    > why not just do the same as with register, request a form with all the fields.. I was agreeing with this, in case you misunderstood everything I was writing.

  20. lovetox

    what makes you think i misunderstood you?

  21. Zash

    Maybe I'm the one misunderstanding then. It sounded like you were disagreeing with me when I said the same thing as you.

  22. lovetox

    what i was disagreeing with was

  23. lovetox

    > Zash‎: Looks like that's what Prosody implements

  24. lovetox

    i doubt you implement a get for password form

  25. lovetox

    which is not specified anywhere

  26. Zash

    lovetox: I looked at the code and it looked like it does the sane thing you said, ie not following the XEP

  27. Zash

    Post login, you should be able to iq-get the form to use

  28. lovetox

    how exactly example 1 gives me the register form

  29. lovetox

    how do i get a password form?

  30. Zash

    lovetox: I think you do the same thing as example 1, but after login.

  31. Zash

    Looks like prosody just returns `<query><username>your username</username><password/></query>` tho, no form

  32. lovetox

    this is specified

  33. lovetox

    example 3

  34. lovetox

    Host Informs Entity of Current Registration

  35. Zash

    ah, yeah

  36. Zash

    Why is that not where you put a from if you need a form for whatever reason?

  37. lovetox

    i dont understand the question

  38. Zash

    No question, really. The XEP is weird.

  39. lovetox

    yeah it is, thats what i wanted to express, weird but still workable

  40. lovetox


  41. Zash

    Was there a replacement for this?

  42. lovetox

    there is a multistage ibr thingy

  43. Zash

    There's BIND 2, SASL 2, bunch of others something 2

  44. Zash

    Does password change need to be something specialized or could it be a well-known ad-hoc command?

  45. lovetox

    could be an adhoc command

  46. Zash

    Ah, there it is https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0389.html

  47. Zash

    Does any currently popular server do that weird returning an error and a form?

  48. lovetox


  49. lovetox


  50. lovetox

    i dont know about popular

  51. lovetox
