How is one supposed to implement infinite scrollback, given that XEP-0313 (MAM) requires that messages be returned in chronological order? If it were reverse chronological order, implementing infinite scrollback would be as easy as paging through results of one query, a query for everything older than the current time and date. But with chronological order? I mean. the XEP lists infinite scrollback as one of its primary usage scenarios, so... am I missing something?
Link Mauve
Жокир, yes, you’re missing <before/>, see https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0059.xml#backwards
Жокир well you could simply flip the results within the rsm page when paging backards. furthermore there is a pending xep313 change that adds an extension that does this for you server-sided
Жокир, you are right its not described in the XEP
But follow Link Mauves Link
then you can get at least something that resembles infinite scrollback
and the nex XEP version will have improvements on that front