jdev - 2020-09-21

  1. ask6155

    How do I make a basic xmpp client?

  2. ask6155

    I'd like to implement everything from scratch. How would I go about it?

  3. Zash

    How deep in the stack do you want to want to go?

  4. ask6155

    I don't know the stack so...

  5. Zash

    What exactly do you mean by *everything*

  6. SouL


  7. Zash

    I by excluding all the jokes, the question is, do you want to write your own client library? Because I'd recommend against that.

  8. ask6155


  9. Zash

    Because I'm lazy.

  10. ask6155


  11. ask6155

    Can you give me some info on making clients? Like a top down?

  12. Zash

    There's probably someone better than me specifically, as I'm a primarily a server dev.

  13. Martin

    Also what client? Android, iOS, Desktop? TUI or GUI?

  14. ask6155

    I was thinking tui

  15. Zash

    User interface, various logic, xml parsing + serialization, TLS, socket handling.

  16. pulkomandy

    Does xmpp really need more clients? Especially written from scratch? I mean if you want to learn a lot of boring details about sockets, ssl, and xml, maybe so, but otherwise, using an existing xmpp lib seems a better idea

  17. ask6155

    What is an xmpp lib?

  18. Zash

    something that handles most of the protocol

  19. ask6155

    I thought making basic clients is easy. As xmpp is a small base specification?

  20. pulkomandy

    For example in c++ there is gloox. In python there is slixmpp. In other languages there are probaply more

  21. Martin

    > I was thinking tui There are mcabber, profanity and poezio. Maybe you'd rather contribute to them. 😃

  22. Ge0rG

    there are clearly not enough abandoned client projects yet.

  23. ask6155

    I was only going to make it to abandon it. It was just going to be me dipping into xmpp...

  24. Guus

    > I was only going to make it to abandon it. It was just going to be me dipping into xmpp... To do that, I'd suggest to apply an existing project to solve some kind of issue, instead of writing something from scratch

  25. Guus

    Maybe create a chat bot or something else fun

  26. Zash

    Or pick a language, read up on sockets and connect to port 5222 and send some XML

  27. Guus

    Dip your toe, instead of an immediate deep dive

  28. ask6155

    I guess I'll just look into profanity

  29. Moumen

    hello , is there any guide to handle push notification on ios. ?

  30. Moumen

    i mean xmpp push notification

  31. moparisthebest

    in what way? are you writing an iOS xmpp client or?

  32. DebXWoody

    ask6155 [16:31]: > I thought making basic clients is easy. As xmpp is a small base specification? I'm working on a lib which should provide the XEPs in C. Feel free to join ;-)

  33. marmistrz

    Hi, is it a fundamentally bad idea to write an OMEMO-enabled XMPP MUC bot? (i.e. it would receive and send OMEMO-encrypted messages). One thing I can think of is that key management may be quite messy to do right.

  34. marmistrz

    I'm thinking about writing an XMPP voting bot for a non-anonymous, members-only MUC in which we're currently using OMEMO for all messages.

  35. MattJ

    I don't think that's fundamentally a bad idea. As long as there is an OMEMO lib in your language of choice...

  36. marmistrz

    And another question: do we currently have any library that provides out-of-the-box support for receiving and sending OMEMO-encrypted messages.

  37. marmistrz

    (currently all languages are considered)

  38. MattJ

    I think there is one in Python, I'm not sure how complete it is

  39. MattJ

    Syndace, pep. - something to do with you guys iirc?

  40. pep.

    It works with 0384-0.3 yep. goffi is using it much better than me. There's also the "normal" port python-axolotl that gajim uses

  41. pep.

    slixmpp-omemo is what I use with poezio, that uses Syndace's lib

  42. marmistrz

    pep.: how about mypy/typing support in slixmpp?

  43. pep.

    Good luck :x

  44. pep.

    Definitely not against it

  45. marmistrz

    s/how/what/ xD

  46. marmistrz

    Anyway, this was the answer that I feared :P

  47. marmistrz

    I can also see that Smack (Java) has support for OMEMO encryption. Anything else for other programming languages?

  48. marmistrz

    I can also see that Smack and JaXMPP (Java) have support for OMEMO encryption. Anything else for other programming languages?