jdev - 2020-12-08

  1. Sam Whited

    Third (or fourth) time's the charm. I rewrote my form package yet again and I *think* I've got an API I can live with finally and worked out some of the weird ambiguities in the spec.

  2. jonas’

    lovetox, where can I report issues with window management in gajim? :/

  3. lovetox

    on our tracker, dev.gajim.org

  4. jonas’

    it seems that all windows are the same, even the "dialogue" ones, which causes annoying window management with i3

  5. lovetox

    yes i also use i3 and noticed that

  6. jonas’

    and I have no way to match on the roster window

  7. lovetox

    but i also dont know what people that use i3 really want

  8. jonas’

    I think this also affects other WMs, but in more subtle ways

  9. jonas’

    either way, setting a few window roles is not going to harm

  10. lovetox

    you can match all windows

  11. lovetox

    i thought its more about making the windows float

  12. jonas’

    that I’d like. all windows *except* the one with chats :)

  13. jonas’

    yeah, I want all of them to float except the chat window

  14. lovetox

    wait i can look into my config

  15. jonas’

    but other applications get their widnows floating without any additional hassle, so I think there’s something wrong with how gajim does it

  16. jonas’

    probably something about dialogue vs. main window

  17. lovetox


  18. jonas’

    or however that’s called in gtk

  19. jonas’

    stuff like the account management should really be a dialogue

  20. lovetox

    the dialog flag i dont have it on many windows

  21. jonas’

    it would be good to get that

  22. jonas’

    then all it needs is a port to Qt and it is usable :-X

  23. jonas’

    and gajim doesn’t close its roster window when I try to close it via i3

  24. jonas’

    I think I need to put some work into that

  25. jonas’

    lovetox, I’d still be interested in your config bits :)

  26. lovetox

    i have to find it first

  27. lovetox

    # for_window [instance="org.gajim.Gajim" title="Start / Join Chat"] floating enable

  28. lovetox

    you should be able to match on instance and title

  29. lovetox

    title should be "Gajim" for the main window

  30. lovetox

    if you are in single window mode

  31. jonas’

    single window mode?

  32. lovetox

    you can have roster and chat in one window

  33. lovetox

    checkout preferences

  34. lovetox

    pref -> genereal -> window layout

  35. jonas’

    that’d solve some of the issues indeed

  36. jonas’

    I need to check that out tomorrow, thanks!

  37. jonas’


  38. lovetox

    maybe join for the next questions the gajim chat :) n8

  39. Sam Whited

    I know a few people said they ignore the special multi-item result form syntax from dataforms, but does any client or server actually use it for anything that can provide a counter example?

  40. Sam Whited

    I have an API that works now, and I see how adding result forms would work, but I don't actually understand the purpose of it, so I thought I'd try to understand it first before supporting it.

  41. lovetox

    yes Sam Whited

  42. lovetox

    look at the Search XEP

  43. lovetox

    i think 0055

  44. lovetox

    and i know metronome uses that for searching for other users on the same server i think

  45. lovetox

    And Gajim implements the multi item report form

  46. lovetox

    i also dont see what the big problem should be with that, why you should ignore it

  47. Zash

    there's a prosody plugin. it just builds and deals with xml, not prosodys dataform library

  48. Zash

    is it even using dataforms?

  49. lovetox


  50. lovetox


  51. lovetox


  52. lovetox

    scroll further down

  53. Zash

    I mean this mod_vjud, looks like it doesn't do any of that after all

  54. Zash

    never mind me

  55. lovetox

    and as i see it the multi items thing, is just a special cased dataform

  56. lovetox

    because creators might thought, that its very often the case that a server wants to give back a table of data

  57. lovetox

    so they thought, so that not everyone invents there own "table" in a dataform

  58. lovetox

    they describe it in the XEP

  59. Zash

    funny how rarely used it is tho

  60. Zash

    mostly we do disco#items or something

  61. lovetox

    but also the search xep misses a way to page it

  62. Zash

    Can't you RSM it?

  63. lovetox

    at least it does not mention it