Sam Whited
Does anyone actually implement XEP-0083: Nested Roster Groups? (and if you do, does it end up being horribly broken because someone ends up making groups that just contain the delimiter, or the delimiter ends up being a string that's just commonly in words)
Gajim has roster groups but don't know which xep
I definitely see roster delimiters stored on public servers, I don't know which clients are doing it
Gajim does for sure
as far as i know only gajim uses that
so no never encountered another delimiter than the standard one
Sam Whited
What is the standard one? The XEP mentions "/" and "::", but those are just examples. I'm assuming everyone copies the ::?
Sam Whited
It doesn't mention what to do if it's already in the group name, or any rules for what it can be (it sort of mentions "no single characters and no alphanumeric characters", but doesn't even outright ban those). I think I may just not implement this if nothing but Gajim uses it. I'm not a fan after a first read through.
Link Mauve
Sam Whited, Gajim puts :: in the Private XML if there is none there, otherwise uses the one that was already set.
So whats the problem, if :: is the delimiter the client has to make sure that :: is not in the group name
or am i missing something
that beeing said, it seems like a acedemic discussion, who has :: in its groupname
if you want to make sure just take :::::: as delimiter
Sam Whited
That sounds like a bad fallback :)
Sam Whited
But yah, maybe it's not a real problem. This just feels like it would cause problems somehow.