jdev - 2021-11-11

  1. wigmore

    hi guys i wonder if you could help me?

  2. moparisthebest

    Maybe, ask the question

  3. thomaslewis

    Whatever happened to "don't ask to ask"?

  4. wigmore

    xampp gives me this [ERROR] Do you already have another mysqld server running on port: 3306 ? any idea how to fix it?

  5. moparisthebest

    Lol xampp is a name I haven't heard in.. a decade and a half?

  6. moparisthebest

    But it's not XMPP so you'll have to go elsewhere sorry

  7. Sam

    Hi all, I want to try an experiment next week for the XMPP office hours: a co-working hour where folks can hang out, hack on projects, and get help with XMPP related things (like this chat room, but with video!) If anyone is interested in joining, I'm experimenting with a new time too, so if you'd like to join, here's the info! https://opencollective.com/xmpp-office-hours-virtual-co-working-hour-791e55a7

  8. MattJ

    Much more convenient time for me :)

  9. Kev

    Interesting idea. Don't know if I'll make it, but it sounds good.

  10. Kev

    Thanks Sam.

  11. Sam

    (oh yes, as Matt pointed out this is not the regular time, just FYI)

  12. Mx2

    As on other MUC.is discussed, im.thinking is it really.not better encryption of the streams?

  13. moparisthebest

    I'm not sure what you mean

  14. Mx2

    Well i send the link

  15. Mx2

    Well i send the link https://infosec-handbook.eu/articles/xmpp-aitm/#tldr

  16. moparisthebest

    Ugh, that FUD again

  17. moparisthebest

    Long story short, XMPP is one of the better protocols that require a server, and everything mentioned there equally applies to all others, including signal, WhatsApp, matrix etc

  18. moparisthebest

    Additionally the silos like Signal and WhatsApp are worse because 1 entity has the full social graph of everyone, where as 1 XMPP server can only map out the social graph of users it hosts, and those users can move

  19. moparisthebest

    Basically that article was written in bad faith and should be ignored

  20. moparisthebest

    (also it was written like 7 years ago and they recently changed the updated date and started spreading it around again because they are scumbags)

  21. nephele

    This article mentions the GDPR, so if it was written 7 years ago it was updated aswell

  22. nephele

    It certainly is misleading though... wierd article

  23. thomaslewis

    Big surprise: server admins have full control of the software running on their server.

  24. thomaslewis
