jdev - 2022-01-20

  1. moparisthebest

    anyone know what client would send a message like this? > Me: > 2022-01-19 10:32 (EST) > This is the full content of the message they were trying to retract This person attempted to retract a previous message, but it's unsupported by your client.

  2. moparisthebest

    seems pretty terrible to both 1. paste the message they want to remove in another message 2. leak their timezone

  3. moparisthebest

    ah, a search found it, yikes https://codeberg.org/kriztan/blabber.im/pulls/616/files

  4. atomicwatch

    Lol thats pretty bad

  5. Neustradamus

    https://matthewwild.co.uk/ -> Error 500

  6. Zash

    off topic

  7. Neustradamus

    Zash: I can not send private messages to MattJ.

  8. jonas’

    that doesn't make it on-topic for here

  9. Neustradamus

    I will create a ticket but where?

  10. Neustradamus

    I have created a ticket about Snikket: https://github.com/snikket-im/snikket-web-portal/issues/116

  11. jonas’

    thanks for pointing it out, closed & locked for off-topic.

  12. Neustradamus

    jonas’: Thanks I will do a new :)

  13. Neustradamus

    Example when we are at the bottom of the https://snikket.org/app/privacy/ page, no link to homepage. The problem will be solved with the improvement.

  14. Neustradamus

    The problem is present on all pages

  15. Neustradamus

    MattJ: It is not the good place but it is related to XMPP. In the footer, links are: - https://snikket.org/app/learn/ - https://snikket.org/app/privacy/ - https://github.com/snikket-im/snikket-android/ - https://snikket.org/service/ - https://snikket.org/service/quickstart/ - https://github.com/snikket-im/snikket-server/ - https://fosstodon.org/@snikket_im - https://twitter.com/snikket_im - https://snikket.org/blog - https://github.com/snikket-im/ - https://snikket.org/contact/ - https://snikket.org/donate/ - https://snikket.org/about/privacy/ - https://status.snikket.org/status My request that I have sent you, some days ago, is to add the link on the Snikket logo, maybe I am not clear :S I have done a screenshot to explain you here: https://i.ibb.co/Gt5zTLJ/snikket-footer.png Thanks in advance :) Note: About your website, it is linked to a link of Zash published few minutes ago. But you have replied me that it is normal, no problem.

  16. Neustradamus

    Note that if the website was on GitHub, I would have done a PR with the change, it is really easy to do it. Important to help, promote, support, use XMPP projects.

  17. junaid

    Neustradamus, it's awesome that you're working to improve and support wherever you can. while public repos allow others to contribute, it is not without its own overhead. for example: 1. people create tickets when they don't understand or read the manual; 2. people create tickets for improvements/additions that are outside the scope of the project's objectives 3. people create tickets demanding immediate attention to issues that don't align with the project team's current priority etc etc this is one of the reasons why many foss maintainers carefully choose what they make available as repos for community contributions. maintainers are simply trying to control the overhead/burden of managing an open repo. hypothetically speaking, you (as an individual) would not like it if someone was worrying you about $x when you know that you have 100 more items with higher priority that you need to fix. furthermore, you wouldn't like it if it wasn't just one person but rather a large community of people (since your project is very popular).

  18. junaid

    Neustradamus, contribute where you can, but just be aware that some teams are large enough (and/or paid) to handle more overhead... while other teams are much much smaller and run by volunteers.

  19. edhelas

    a lot of teams are also teams of one :p