jdev - 2022-02-11

  1. contrapunctus

    Welp. ```elisp ;; XXX: this is how we interoperate with Google Talk. We should really use a namespace-aware XML parser. ```

  2. Zash


  3. Zash


  4. defanor

    Emacs/Elisp XML functions indeed don't handle namespaces that well: you can parse XML with those by asking the parser explicitly about that, but can't easily print it back. So one has to either use some hacks or write custom functions for XML printing, apparently.

  5. contrapunctus

    defanor: that's just what I was wondering - jabber.el uses `xml` which seems to optionally support namespaces.

  6. defanor

    I ended up just feeding elements with xmlns attributes to Emacs, and setting xmlns from Elisp too -- making all the namespace handling manual, and somewhat restricted (but sufficient for XMPP).

  7. moparisthebest

    PSA if you know of any clients that use the _xmppconnect TXT record to lookup BOSH or WebSocket endpoints let them/me know so we can make sure they stop doing it, issues I know of so far are https://mail.jabber.org/pipermail/standards/2022-February/038760.html

  8. Zash

    What clients use XEP-0049: Private XML Storage for something other than bookmarks?

  9. Sam

    I was wondering that myself. Where's the subscribe button on here?

  10. Zash

    Where's the magic DOAP query tool that will answer these questions? 🙂

  11. pep.

    Wasn't there some client config? (gajim?)

  12. Zash

    I see code in Gajim for roster delimiters and roster notes (and bookmarks, but it's got Bookmarks 2 so that's not a problem)

  13. pep.

    Is it recommended nowadays to use PEP for stuff like that anyway?

  14. pep.

    (roster delimiters, random single-client config, whatever you can think of)

  15. Zash

    Not aware of any recent clients storing their settings in private xml.

  16. Zash

    Tho if any are, that's interesting and of relevance to the question

  17. Link Mauve

    Jappix does, but that client’s dead.

  18. Link Mauve

    For its configuration as well.