Sam: I would separate ver and hash and force hash to be unique if you want to go normalized form
Hello Everyone. Recently I installed ejabberd server for my company to connected locally. now I neeed to add some other futures to my server. I googled about developing ejabberd, I found that the server is develop by erlang language and found usefull links for install OTP/Erlang. But I need to more documentations or tutorials that helps me to deal with Elixir and ejabberd (even if that tutorials is paid tutorials). thanx. These are the most useful links I've found: -https://docs.ejabberd.im/developer/install-osx/ -https://github.com/processone/ejabberd#1-compile-and-install-on-nix-systems -https://www.process-one.net/blog/building-an-otp-release-for-ejabberd-with-elixir-mix/
> Hello Everyone. > Recently I installed ejabberd server for my company to connected locally. > now I neeed to add some other futures to my server. > I googled about developing ejabberd, I found that the server is develop by erlang language and found usefull links for install OTP/Erlang. > But I need to more documentations or tutorials that helps me to deal with Elixir and ejabberd (even if that tutorials is paid tutorials). > thanx. > These are the most useful links I've found: > -https://docs.ejabberd.im/developer/install-osx/ > -https://github.com/processone/ejabberd#1-compile-and-install-on-nix-systems > -https://www.process-one.net/blog/building-an-otp-release-for-ejabberd-with-elixir-mix/ or any commercial support ?
jalal, might be worth asking in the ejabberd channel: xmpp:ejabberd@conference.process-one.net?join
OK, thank you.
Someone in here using JSXC? If so, are you able to change your nickname in a MUC (and continue to chat) using 4.4.0?
(there's no such thing as a JSXC dev room, is there?)
Link Mauve
(The dev replied to me he didn’t see the interest in that, last time I suggested one.)
https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pull/1164 ! New proposed ProtoXEP. Rendered: https://bouah.net/specs/muc-affiliations-versioning.html Feedback welcome :)