jdev - 2022-04-03

  1. jubalh

    lovetox: ahh that's very good to know! Is there a way to disable this?

  2. jubalh

    pep.: yes I can see that it's not a crazy idea. But also I think it's not the best idea (at least not to force this)

  3. jubalh

    I almost don't use OMEMO but some contacts insist on it. for me this breaks my log files since I always miss some part of the conversation. So I have one machine with a client which I installed quite early. So the OMEMO key of this client can decrypt all the messages. but I only switch this device on every few weeks. And was thinking then I could get all the messages through MAM and decrypt then since this key was published so early :) And now I see that somehow a lot of messages weren't encrypted for this device :')

  4. jubalh

    So I think it taking away the control from the user which keys he want to keep activated isn't the nicest thing to do.

  5. jubalh

    Anybody knows what Monal is doing in this regard?

  6. lovetox

    moparisthebest, you wrote another dev of Gajim possible problems when downloading files from the internet

  7. lovetox

    but we received nothing about uploading files with the httpupload spec

  8. lovetox

    so if you have something regarding this please tell me

  9. lovetox

    also whats the problem exactly with POSH, we dont use it but may do in the future

  10. abdullah

    An Android compatible Movim app is required

  11. edhelas

    abdullah ?

  12. Martin

    moparisthebest: > PSA: if you are a dev of a client that supports http upload or POSH and haven't heard from me in the last few days, send me an XMPP message or email to travis@burtrum.org , it's important Sent you an email earlier. What is this all about,

  13. Martin

    moparisthebest: > PSA: if you are a dev of a client that supports http upload or POSH and haven't heard from me in the last few days, send me an XMPP message or email to travis@burtrum.org , it's important Sent you an email earlier. What is this all about?

  14. moparisthebest

    lovetox: yep same problem, fwiw I couldn't find your kid :)

  15. moparisthebest

    Martin: got it, responding now

  16. Zash

    ... did you mean s/kid/jid/ ?

  17. lovetox

    please dont search for my kid

  18. lovetox

    its enough if you tell me

  19. lovetox

    can you go into more detail? how is downloading a picture from an untrusted source, the same thing as uploading a picture to a trusted server

  20. moparisthebest

    Lol just saw my typo I was definitely searching for your JID and not your kid :o stupid keyboard

  21. jonas’

    that's what they all claim

  22. moparisthebest

    > Hey kid, I think your dad is a gajim dev can you give him a message for me?

  23. lovetox

    hm anyone know how the laws are with naming open source projects

  24. mathieui

    lovetox, no copyrighted or patented names, other than that it will depend on where you are located

  25. lovetox

    yeah but how to find out if a name is copyrighted or patented

  26. lovetox

    like what if i name my project "Google Parser"

  27. lovetox

    do i get mail from google?

  28. pep.

    https://www.uspto.gov/trademarks/search stuff like this I guess?

  29. lovetox

    i mean if i type google into github, a million people name their project "google-*"

  30. lovetox

    but maybe google does not care :D

  31. pep.

    Well they may not care as long as the thing doesn't get too much attention. they may also not care if they can't get much money from it anyway. At some point they may just ask you to rename and threaten with a suit just knowing that you'll do it because you're poor(er than them, that's for sure)

  32. Zash

    Ah, yes, the hardest problem known to man. Naming things.

  33. pep.

    But IANAL

  34. pep.

    And even if I was, IANYL

  35. lovetox

    the thing is, some apps just exist to interact or extend other apps

  36. lovetox

    it makes no sense to not name the thing you are extending